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Current version by: gsharpe


-It is more than likely not the battery, but that it is 'bricked' due to corruption of the boot-up firmware. Many people have had the issue, including myself, and resolved it by the methods at thislink:
+It is more than likely not the battery, but that it is 'bricked' due to corruption of the boot-up firmware. Many people have had the issue, including myself, and resolved it by the methods at this link:
If this works for you, then thank all the people who worked to develop a solution especially 'jcsullins'!



Original post by: gsharpe


It is more than likely not the battery, but that it is 'bricked' due to corruption of the boot-up firmware.  Many people have had the issue, including myself, and resolved it by the methods at thislink:


If this works for you, then thank all the people who worked to develop a solution especially 'jcsullins'!

