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Current version by: Ryan Benitez


-While you were charging the battery, did you see the LED light blinking? If it was is blinking, that means it's charging. If it was blinking and it is still not turning on, there is the possibility of it simply being worn out. Please refer to the troubleshooting page ("Dremel Mini Mite Cordless Won't Turn On" section) [|battery]
+While you were charging the battery, did you see the LED light blinking? If it was is blinking, that means it's charging. If it was blinking and it is still not turning on, there is the possibility of it simply being worn out. Please refer to the [|Troubleshooting page] or the [|battery repair guide]



Original post by: Ryan Benitez


While you were charging the battery, did you see the LED light blinking? If it was is blinking, that means it's charging. If it was blinking and it is still not turning on, there is the possibility of it simply being worn out. Please refer to the troubleshooting page ("Dremel Mini Mite Cordless Won't Turn On" section) [|battery]

