I pasted that reply from some other site. One thing to note , Wondershare never even finished the temp root. It had taken over 20 minutes and had kept restarting my phone. I just ran the batch file while it was still working on it and it worked like a charm! Never unplug your phone during any of these steps and make sure to run the batch file as an administrator. It will work.
I have recently discovered how to root my ZTE N817 quest. I looked allover used probably at least 20 programs the said they could root my device.
I found one that would give me temp root but it would just disappear and go back to un-rooted. here are the files you will need and how I did it...
1. download Tunesgo trial. here https://tunesgo.wondershare.com/
2. make sure its not the other software that they have but Tunesgo software.
3. run program and connect your phone via USB cable.
4. after the program runs and detects your phone select toolbox from the menu, then select one-click root.
5. it took close to about 20 - 30 minutess to root my phone.
6 Almost done.... This will leave you with a temp root or a disappearing root.
7. right after it says your phone is rooted, the run a small batch file that I created that installs SU and busy box.
8 this must be done right after away after running Tunesgo.
after the batch file ends it will reboot you phone and you will be fully rooted..
Here is the link for my batch file to install SU and busy box
Let me know if this helps anyone...