My HD75 - UN75F7100 top half of my screen has begun to darken.. I have uploaded/updated software and did a complete reset... but still the upper half of the screen has this darkened area completely across the top and approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen... serial number is Z7MS3CADA01667D
=== Update (07/18/2017) ===
This is what screen looks like
My HD75 - UN75F7100 top half of my screen has begun to darken.. I have uploaded/updated software and did a complete reset... but still the upper half of the screen has this darkened area completely across the top and approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen... serial number is Z7MS3CADA01667D
My HD75 - UN75F7100 top half of my screen has begun to darken.. I have uploaded/updated software and did a complete reset... but still the upper half of the screen has this darkened area completely across the top and approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen... serial number is Z7MS3CADA01667D