@noreenmcgrath check the diagram and see if you are referring to the catch pin (25) or the hinge pin (49).
From the SM
* Catch Pin and Quadrant Assembly
* Lift head of mixer
* Remove circlip (27) from out end of Catch Pin (25), slide catch pin out fro Pedestal (37), the spring (26) is now free.
* When refitting circlip, Tool KT 10168 is available, which will assist in retaining clip whilst being refitted to catch pin.
* To remove Quadrant assembly, first carry out previous instruction 1 and 2.
* Remove for screws (31) securing Body cover (30), allow body cover to drop.
* Access is now available to two screws (29) securing Quadrant assembly to Body assembly.
Post some images of the pins etc. with your question. Use this guide [guide|21499] for that. That way we can see what you see.