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Current version by: iheartflowers28


-All i did was remove the pack of film that was in which was a little bit hard and then replaced the batteries with fresh batteries that have never been used and it printed out the picture that was stuck and it has been working great sence
+All i did was remove the pack of film that was in which was a little bit hard and then replaced the batteries with fresh batteries that have never been used and it printed out the picture that was stuck and it has been working great sence ALSO If you do n8t understand anyof these look up it up on youtube and go to Almondjoy Alica. I watched her and fixed it right away. I hope you can fix your camera. Good Luck



Edit by: iheartflowers28


-All i did was remive the pack of film that was in which was a little bit hard and then replaced the batteries with fresh batteries that have never been used and it printed out the picture that was stuck and it has been working great sence
+All i did was remove the pack of film that was in which was a little bit hard and then replaced the batteries with fresh batteries that have never been used and it printed out the picture that was stuck and it has been working great sence



Original post by: iheartflowers28


All i did was remive the pack of film that was in which was a little bit hard and then replaced the batteries with fresh batteries that have never been used and it printed out the picture that was stuck and it has been working great sence

