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Current version by: kalam ramnarayan reddy


-Whenever I drop my phone accidentally this rattling noise reoccurs, thanks to spigen armour case it saved the phone !&&* number of times, this sounds crazy but I intentionally dropped the phone the sound is gone.. but be careful make sure you have good protective case drop it from a hand level 1-2 feet !&&* yaa it worker for me this time too
+Whenever I drop my phone accidentally this rattling noise reoccurs, thanks to spigen armour case it saved the phone !&&* number of times, this sounds crazy but I intentionally dropped the phone the sound is gone.. but be careful make sure you have good protective case drop it from a hand level 1-2 feet !&&* yaa it worked for me this time too..this trick is for out of warranty phones only.. dont curse me if something goes wrong. Remember only try this trick when you have a good armour case



Original post by: kalam ramnarayan reddy


Whenever I drop my phone accidentally this rattling noise reoccurs, thanks to spigen armour case it saved the phone !&&* number of times, this sounds crazy but I intentionally dropped the phone the sound is gone.. but be careful make sure you have good protective case drop it from a hand level 1-2 feet !&&* yaa it worker for me this time too

