Review this guide: [guide|96767]. You’ll need to order the plate from eBay [|Front Glass Bezel LCD Logo Cover Trim MacBook Pro 15"]
=== Update (01/12/2019) ===
OK, Thats not good ;-{
The chin plate covers the edge of the LDC panel’s fragile contacts. Your LCS pane is damaged! You can’t do anything to fix it other than replace it. Unlike the older models this series as the T-CON board mounted in the main case so more lines are needed to move data from the case to the lid as you can see here:
The chin plate covers the edge of the LDC panel’s fragile contacts. Your LCD panel is also damaged! You can’t do anything to fix it other than replace it. Unlike the older models this series as the T-CON board mounted in the main case so more lines are needed to move data from the case to the lid as you can see here:
You have no choice here you need a new display assembly [product|IF117-064-2] Apple P/N 661-08031
Review this guide: [guide|96767]. You’ll need to order the plate from eBay [|Front Glass Bezel LCD Logo Cover Trim MacBook Pro 15"]
=== Update (01/12/2019) ===
OK, Thats not good ;-{
The chin plate covers the edge of the LDC panel’s fragile contacts. Your LCS pane is damaged! You can’t do anything to fix it other than replace it. Unlike the older models this series as the T-CON board mounted in the main case so more lines are needed to move data from the case to the lid as you can see here:
You have no choice here you need a new display assembly [product|IF117-064-2] Apple P/N 661-08031
Review this guide: [guide|96767]. You’ll need to order the plate from eBay [|Front Glass Bezel LCD Logo Cover Trim MacBook Pro 15"]