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Current version by: sebastiii


I have noticed that the TOP microphone seems to not working, but I was sometimes been able to have it working, let me explain :
In normal use and using the ear speaker, the bottom right mic is used.
When using hands-free mode, it's also bottom right and if I play with the omnidirectional option (on / off / on) the top mic works.
So it's seems to not be an hardware issue but more a software one.
Another case, when recording a video :
In landscape :
- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic
- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic
Here, this is not correct, the left audio channel should be recorded from top mic, but top mic is not working here.
In non-landscape mode (portrait in french), it's the same as above and can be logic :
- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic
- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic
Now in application sound recorder :
- Both bottom mic is working with :
- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic
- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic
- Top mic is not working
I'm on LYA-L29 C432 -
It seems that we have some kind of software issue.
Anyone can test and confirm ?
+EDIT : i have found back a video recorded on firmware version and it is correct :
+In landscape :
+- The left audio channel is recorded from top bottom mic
+- The right audio channel is recorded from right/left (i’m not sure) bottom mic but for sure audio is correctly listen from right ear.
+In non-landscape mode :
+- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic
+- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic
+So it must be a software issue right ?



Original post by: sebastiii



I have noticed that the TOP microphone seems to not working, but I was sometimes been able to have it working, let me explain :

In normal use and using the ear speaker, the bottom right mic is used.

When using hands-free mode, it's also bottom right and if I play with the omnidirectional option (on / off / on) the top mic works.

So it's seems to not be an hardware issue but more a software one.

Another case, when recording a video :

In landscape :

- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic

- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic

Here, this is not correct, the left audio channel should be recorded from top mic, but top mic is not working here.

In non-landscape mode (portrait in french), it's the same as above and can be logic :

- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic

- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic

Now in application sound recorder :

- Both bottom mic is working with :

- The left audio channel is recorded from left bottom mic

- The right audio channel is recorded from right bottom mic

- Top mic is not working

I'm on LYA-L29 C432 -

It seems that we have some kind of software issue.

Anyone can test and confirm ?



