Were they sitting on top of each other e.g, -ve face down on both to give 6V between the connectors?
If there is only one battery in the key fob as is usual with key fobs, perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to unsolder and remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then solder a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
You can also use any 3V battery (made up of batteries - AA size perhaps connected in a battery holder) and connect it to the key fob to test if it still works or not, before getting a replacement CR2032 battery with leads ;-)
You can also try this [https://www.ebay.com/p/Wire-Lead-Cr2032-Cr2035-Coin-Cell-Button-Battery-Holder-Case-Socket-Q4f4/1882103556|option] and connect it to the key fob to test if it still works or not, before getting a replacement CR2032 battery with leads(I don’t know if it will physically fit into the case but you can use it to test if the key still works ;-)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections on the board, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it doesn’t work and they have to reverse the battery to make it work.
Were they sitting on top of each other e.g, -ve face down on both to give 6V between the connectors?
If there is only one battery in the key fob as is usual with key fobs, perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to unsolder and remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then solder a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
You can also use any 3V battery (made up of batteries - AA size perhaps connected in a battery holder) and connect it to the key fob to test if it still works or not, before getting a replacement CR2032 battery with leads ;-)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections on the board, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections on the board, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it doesn’t work and they have to reverse the battery to make it work.
Were they sitting on top of each other e.g, -ve face down on both to give 6V between the connectors?
If there is only one battery in the key fob as is usual with key fobs, perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to unsolder and remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then solder a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
You can also use any 3V battery (made up of batteries - AA size perhaps connected in a battery holder) and connect it to the key fob to test if it still works or not, before getting a replacement CR2032 battery with leads ;-)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections on the board, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to unsolder and remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then solder a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
Are there two batteries in the key fob?
Were they sitting on top of each other e.g, -ve face down on both to give 6V between the connectors?
If there is only one battery in the key fob as is usual with key fobs, perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to unsolder and remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then solder a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then insert and connect a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to unsolder and remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then solder a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built in to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built into the circuit to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to insert and connect a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only]
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to remove the old battery connectors from the pcb and clean up the board terminals and then insert and connect a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only] (as long as it fits in the case OK that is)
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built in to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to insert and connect a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only]
Unfortunately it is not shown on the board which are the +ve and -ve battery terminal connections, but I’m thinking that there should be reverse battery protection built in to allow for when people re insert a new battery back in, in the incorrect way and it just doesn’t work.
Perhaps the easiest way to repair it is to insert and connect a [https://www.jameco.com/z/CR2032-LEADS-3V-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Battery-with-2-Inch-Leads_2223443.html|CR2032 battery with leads - example only]