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Current version by: Sean Mackness


Battery life still draining way too fast


Hi everyone.

I've had my Samsung j3 for about 2 and a half years now and until recently all was well.

One day, i noticed that the battery was draining unusually fast and despite trying everything, including buying a new battery and charger cable, contacting Samsung support and performing a full factory reset, i still have the same problem.

I did notice however, that my old charging cable should have 5 ‘pins' in the phone connection tip, yet it only had 4.

Could this have been the original culprit?  Can it be fixed? Or is it just time for a new phone?

Thanks in advance.


Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016)



Accepted Answer:


Original post by: Sean Mackness


Battery life still draining way too fast


Hi everyone.

I've had my Samsung j3 for about 2 and a half years now and until recently all was well.

One day, i noticed that the battery was draining unusually fast and despite trying everything, including buying a new battery and charger cable, contacting Samsung support and performing a full factory reset, i still have the same problem.

I did notice however, that my old charging cable should have 5 ‘pins' in the phone connection tip, yet it only had 4.

Could this have been the original culprit?  Can it be fixed? Or is it just time for a new phone?

Thanks in advance.


Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016)

