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Current version by: Ted L


Problem after change cpu ram and ssd



Unfortunately after changing out of the CPU, RAM and SSD my iMac does not restart any sign of life just a green LED on the motherboard,

I don’t really know what to do, I have everything back, I'm disappointed Do you have any idea what ​​the problem is?

For the moment I strongly advise not to make the change of the CPU and the RAM : /

Here’s the picture of the motherboard



iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2019



Accepted Answer:


Edit by: Dan


Problem after change cpu ram and ssd


-Hello, unfortunately after the change of the CPU and the ram and ssd my imac does not restart any sign of life just a green LED on the motherboard, I do not really know what to do I have everything back, I'm disappointed  and I do not know what to do do you have any idea of ​​the problem?  For the moment I strongly advise to make the change of the CPU and the ram: /
-=== Update (08/24/2019) ===
+Unfortunately after changing out of the CPU, RAM and SSD my iMac does not restart any sign of life just a green LED on the motherboard,
+I don’t really know what to do, I have everything back, I'm disappointed Do you have any idea what ​​the problem is?
+For the moment I strongly advise not to make the change of the CPU and the RAM : /
+Here’s the picture of the motherboard
-here is the picture of the motherboard


iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2019



Edit by: Ted L


Problem after change cpu ram and ssd


Hello, unfortunately after the change of the CPU and the ram and ssd my imac does not restart any sign of life just a green LED on the motherboard, I do not really know what to do I have everything back, I'm disappointed  and I do not know what to do do you have any idea of ​​the problem?  For the moment I strongly advise to make the change of the CPU and the ram: /
+=== Update (08/24/2019) ===
+here is the picture of the motherboard


iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2019



Original post by: Ted L


Problem after change cpu ram and ssd


Hello, unfortunately after the change of the CPU and the ram and ssd my imac does not restart any sign of life just a green LED on the motherboard, I do not really know what to do I have everything back, I'm disappointed  and I do not know what to do do you have any idea of ​​the problem?  For the moment I strongly advise to make the change of the CPU and the ram: /


iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2019

