iPhone X restarts every 5 minutes after backreplacement
I switched the backglass and the frame but since then my iPhone keeps restarting every 5 minutes. The new backframe arrived with parts like charging port, taptic engine. I’ve kept them inside. The crash report of analytics is:
{"bug_type":"288","timestamp":"2019-10-13 18:42:47.85 +0200","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.1.2 (17A861)","incident_id":"8C446476-CA19-47A0-8F74-5803B0A9A4A8"} { "build" : "iPhone OS 13.1.2 (17A861)", "product" : "iPhone10,6", "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Tue Sep 3 21:52:10 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.2.3~2\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8015", "tuning" : { }, "incident" : "8C446476-CA19-47A0-8F74-5803B0A9A4A8", "crashReporterKey" : "413cb2f10b0936293a261e8ec514288966bd25a5", "date" : "2019-10-13 18:42:47.85 +0200", "reason" : "(1 monitored services unresponsive): checkin with service: com.apple.thermalmonitord returned not alive with context:\nis_alive_func returned unhealthy : current 1ffc73fffffffff, mask 67fffffffff, expected 67fffffffff\nno successful checkins since load (130 seconds ago)", "frontmostPids" : [ 58