it is normal it is because I have a brand new switch I got it like 1 day ago and it still charges slow because the battery is very big and things like those batteries need more energy then normal chargers example big batteries takes up more energy then normal sized batteries while on the other hand normal sized batteries takes less of the energy then a big sized batteries it takes less time to charge than big batteries.
it is normal it is because I have a brand new switch I got it like 1 day ago and it still charges slow because the battery is very big and things like those batteries need more energy then normal batteries example big batteries takes up more energy then normal sized batteries while on the other hand normal sized batteries takes less of the energy then a big sized batteries it takes less time to charge than big batteries.
it is normal it is because I have a brand new switch I got it like 1 day ago and it still charges slow because the battery is very big and things like those batteries need more energy then normal chargers example big batteries takes up more energy then normal sized batteries while on the other hand normal sized batteries takes less of the energy then a big sized batteries it takes less time to charge than big batteries.