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Current version by: Johny Power


Any chance to fix the display after fall into water?


Great community,
To the more experienced among you,
My phone fell into the water just 3/4 days ago, but it is still working. What I've already done:
- Took everything apart, including the motherboard.[br]
- Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol
At that time, the screen still worked (although water stains are visible), but at first not the “touch” feature.
Then, 1 day later, the "touch" feature worked again.
At that time, I left it unplugged and let it dry one more day.
But since then, complete black screen, even after many tries, plugging/unplugging/cleaning/etc.
So, I let it again dry for another 4/5 hours at 45°C (max). But it still doesn’t works.
I know the problem is with the screen, because I'm using a replacement screen that works very well. But I hate to throw away electronics and would do everything to fix it.
My question:
What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much tools)? And what else can I try?
- Dip it completely in an isopropyl alcohol bath?[br]
- Disassemble it (but how?)[br]
- Wait 1 full week?
Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.[br]
PS: I couldn’t open the 2 small EMI shields on the bottom, to clean the underlying electronic components. Maybe they are soldered(?)[br]
+=== Update (12/21/2021) ===
+Thank you guys for the quick replies.[br]
+I would be pleased to hear other opinions. This is not my first repair, so I feel comfortable with trying advanced repairing, even if difficult. (And, I have not much to loose on this display)[br]
+>seems like fairphone is pretty good about repairability so i wouldn’t feel too bad about having to chuck it in the trash.[br]
+This is not the point. I repair everything I own, and usually with success. (And, yes, Fairphone are great about repairability !)[br]
+PS: I’m surprised that a quick search didn’t reveal any advanced display disassembly (youtube have a few things about it). Did I miss anything?


Fairphone 2



Edit by: Johny Power


Any chance to fix the display after fall into water?


Great community,
To the more experienced among you,
My phone fell into the water just 3/4 days ago, but it is still working. What I've already done:
- Took everything apart, including the motherboard.[br]
- Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol
At that time, the screen still worked (although water stains are visible), but at first not the “touch” feature.
Then, 1 day later, the "touch" feature worked again.
At that time, I left it unplugged and let it dry one more day.
But since then, complete black screen, even after many tries, plugging/unplugging/cleaning/etc.
So, I let it again dry for another 4/5 hours at 45°C (max). But it still doesn’t works.
I know the problem is with the screen, because I'm using a replacement screen that works very well. But I hate to throw away electronics and would do everything to fix it.
My question:
What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much tools)? And what else can I try?
- Dip it completely in an isopropyl alcohol bath?[br]
- Disassemble it (but how?)[br]
- Wait 1 full week?
Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.[br]
-PS: I couldn’t open the 2 small EMI shields on the bottom, to clean the underlying electronics components. Maybe they are soldered(?)[br]
+PS: I couldn’t open the 2 small EMI shields on the bottom, to clean the underlying electronic components. Maybe they are soldered(?)[br]


Fairphone 2



Edit by: Johny Power


Any chance to fix the display after fall into water?


Great community,
To the more experienced among you,
My phone fell into the water just 3/4 days ago, but it is still working. What I've already done:
- Took everything apart, including the motherboard.[br]
- Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol
At that time, the screen still worked (although water stains are visible), but at first not the “touch” feature.
Then, 1 day later, the "touch" feature worked again.
At that time, I left it unplugged and let it dry one more day.
But since then, complete black screen, even after many tries, plugging/unplugging/cleaning/etc.
So, I let it again dry for another 4/5 hours at 45°C (max). But it still doesn’t works.
I know the problem is with the screen, because I'm using a replacement screen that works very well. But I hate to throw away electronics and would do everything to fix it.
My question:
What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much tools)? And what else can I try?
- Dip it completely in an isopropyl alcohol bath?[br]
- Disassemble it (but how?)[br]
- Wait 1 full week?
Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.[br]
-PS: I couldn’t open the 2 EMI shields to clean the underlying electronics components. Maybe they are soldered(?)[br]
+PS: I couldn’t open the 2 small EMI shields on the bottom, to clean the underlying electronics components. Maybe they are soldered(?)[br]


Fairphone 2



Edit by: Johny Power


Any chance to fix the display after fall into water?


Great community,
To the more experienced among you,
My phone fell into the water just 3/4 days ago, but it is still working. What I've already done:
- Took everything apart, including the motherboard.[br]
- Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol
At that time, the screen still worked (although water stains are visible), but at first not the “touch” feature.
Then, 1 day later, the "touch" feature worked again.
At that time, I left it unplugged and let it dry one more day.
But since then, complete black screen, even after many tries, plugging/unplugging/cleaning/etc.
So, I let it again dry for another 4/5 hours at 45°C (max). But it still doesn’t works.
I know the problem is with the screen, because I'm using a replacement screen that works very well. But I hate to throw away electronics and would do everything to fix it.
My question:
What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much tools)? And what else can I try?
- Dip it completely in an isopropyl alcohol bath?[br]
- Disassemble it (but how?)[br]
- Wait 1 full week?
-Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.
+Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.[br]
+PS: I couldn’t open the 2 EMI shields to clean the underlying electronics components. Maybe they are soldered(?)[br]


Fairphone 2



Edit by: Johny Power


Any chance to fix the display after fall into water?


Great community,
To the more experienced among you,
My phone fell into the water just 3/4 days ago, but it is still working. What I've already done:
- Took everything apart, including the motherboard.[br]
- Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol
At that time, the screen still worked (although water stains are visible), but at first not the “touch” feature.
Then, 1 day later, the "touch" feature worked again.
At that time, I left it unplugged and let it dry one more day.
But since then, complete black screen, even after many tries, plugging/unplugging/cleaning/etc.
So, I let it again dry for another 4/5 hours at 45°C (max). But it still doesn’t works.
I know the problem is with the screen, because I'm using a replacement screen that works very well. But I hate to throw away electronics and would do everything to fix it.
My question:
-What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much hardware) and what else can I try?
+What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much tools)? And what else can I try?
- Dip it completely in an isopropyl alcohol bath?[br]
- Disassemble it (but how?)[br]
- Wait 1 full week?
Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.


Fairphone 2



Original post by: Johny Power


Any chance to fix the display after fall into water?


Great community,

To the more experienced among you,

My phone fell into the water just 3/4 days ago, but it is still working. What I've already done:

- Took everything apart, including the motherboard.[br]
- Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol

At that time, the screen still worked (although water stains are visible), but at first not the “touch” feature.

Then, 1 day later, the "touch" feature worked again.

At that time, I left it unplugged and let it dry one more day.

But since then, complete black screen, even after many tries, plugging/unplugging/cleaning/etc.

So, I let it again dry for another 4/5 hours at 45°C (max). But it still doesn’t works.

I know the problem is with the screen, because I'm using a replacement screen that works very well. But I hate to throw away electronics and would do everything to fix it.

My question:

What are my chances of fixing it (I don't have that much hardware) and what else can I try?

- Dip it completely in an isopropyl alcohol bath?[br]
- Disassemble it (but how?)[br]
- Wait 1 full week?

Thank you very much for the opinions of experienced people.


Fairphone 2

