@dacelynn if your old fan still works and your new fan does not, the issue is with the fan. There is a possibility that it is wired differently or simply a dud. Return it and get another fan based on your fan/computer ( make sure you pay attention to the "nxxx" numbers as well. There are differences.
=== Update 25/4/2022 ===
@dacelynn you’r original fan is a PAAD06015SL N318 and the wiring on your replacement fan is reversed. Replace your fan with the proper one or get the soldering iron out and reverse the power wiring on your replacement fan
@dacelynn you’r original fan is a PAAD06015SL N318 ***and the wiring on your replacement fan is reversed.*** Replace your fan with the proper one or get the soldering iron out and ***reverse the power wiring on your replacement fan***
@dacelynn if your old fan still works and your new fan does not, the issue is with the fan. There is a possibility that it is wired differently or simply a dud. Return it and get another fan based on your fan/computer ( make sure you pay attention to the "nxxx" numbers as well. There are differences.
=== Update 25/4/2022 ===
@dacelynn you’r original fan is a PAAD06015SL N318 and the wiring on your replacement fan is reversed. Replace your fan with the proper one or get the soldering iron out and reverse the power wiring on your replacement fan
@dacelynn if your old fan still works and your new fan does not, the issue is with the fan. There is a possibility that it is wired differently or simply a dud. Return it and get another fan based on your fan/computer ( make sure you pay attention to the "nxxx" numbers as well. There are differences.