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Current version by: Dan A+


Run some commands to troubleshoot the update problem.
# Open a command prompt as an administrator. Type CMD in your Windows search box, right-click the Command Prompt option from the list, and choose "Run as Administrator." Select "Yes" in the following popup box.
# Copy this code (as one big block) and paste it into the prompt. You must select the entire block "as is" for it to work.
***net stop bits***
***net stop wuauserv***
***net stop cryptsvc***
-***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak***
+***rename C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak***
***net start bits***
***net start wuauserv***
***net start cryptsvc***
***%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic***
***shutdown /r /t 60***
When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts. When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
After your PC restarts, try to update again.



Edit by: Dan A+


Run some commands to troubleshoot the update problem.
# Open a command prompt as an administrator. Type CMD in your Windows search box, right-click the Command Prompt option from the list, and choose "Run as Administrator." Select "Yes" in the following popup box.
# Copy this code (as one big block) and paste it into the prompt. You must select the entire block "as is" for it to work.
***net stop bits***
***net stop wuauserv***
***net stop cryptsvc***
-***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution.bak***
+***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak***
***net start bits***
***net start wuauserv***
***net start cryptsvc***
***%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic***
***shutdown /r /t 60***
When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts. When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
After your PC restarts, try to update again.



Edit by: Dan A+


Run some commands to troubleshoot the update problem.
# Open a command prompt as an administrator. Type CMD in your Windows search box, right-click the Command Prompt option from the list, and choose "Run as Administrator." Select "Yes" in the following popup box.
# Copy this code (as one big block) and paste it into the prompt. You must select the entire block "as is" for it to work.
***net stop bits***
***net stop wuauserv***
***net stop cryptsvc***
-***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak***
+***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution.bak***
***net start bits***
***net start wuauserv***
***net start cryptsvc***
***%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic***
***shutdown /r /t 60***
When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts. When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
After your PC restarts, try to update again.



Edit by: Dan A+


Run some commands to troubleshoot the update problem.
# Open a command prompt as an administrator. Type CMD in your Windows search box, right-click the Command Prompt option from the list, and choose "Run as Administrator." Select "Yes" in the following popup box.
# Copy this code (as one big block) and paste it into the prompt. You must select the entire block "as is" for it to work.
***net stop bits***
***net stop wuauserv***
***net stop cryptsvc***
***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak***
***net start bits***
***net start wuauserv***
***net start cryptsvc***
***%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic***
***shutdown /r /t 60***
-# When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts. When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
-# After your PC restarts, try to update again.
+When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts. When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
+After your PC restarts, try to update again.



Edit by: Dan A+


Run some commands to troubleshoot the update problem.
# Open a command prompt as an administrator. Type CMD in your Windows search box, right-click the Command Prompt option from the list, and choose "Run as Administrator." Select "Yes" in the following popup box.
# Copy this code (as one big block) and paste it into the prompt. You must select the entire block "as is" for it to work.
+***net stop bits***
-***net stop bits
+***net stop wuauserv***
-net stop wuauserv
+***net stop cryptsvc***
-net stop cryptsvc
+***rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak***
-rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak
+***net start bits***
-net start bits
+***net start wuauserv***
-net start wuauserv
+***net start cryptsvc***
-net start cryptsvc
+***%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic***
-%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic
-shutdown /r /t 60***
+***shutdown /r /t 60***
# When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts. When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
# After your PC restarts, try to update again.



Original post by: Dan A+


Run some commands to troubleshoot the update problem.

# Open a command prompt as an administrator. Type CMD in your Windows search box, right-click the Command Prompt option from the list, and choose "Run as Administrator." Select "Yes" in the following popup box.
# Copy this code (as one big block) and paste it into the prompt. You must select the entire block "as is" for it to work.

***net stop bits

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptsvc

rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak

net start bits

net start wuauserv

net start cryptsvc

%systemroot%\system32\msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic

shutdown /r /t 60***

# When the update troubleshooter appears, follow the prompts.  When it completes, click "Close", and your computer will restart in 60 seconds.
# After your PC restarts, try to update again.

