Was the charger pugged in when the light was blinking?
With the charger disconnected take out the battery and press the power button for about 30 seconds. Plug in the charger and press power button does it pwoer up?
You don't mention which light was blinking. There are at least three.
* ***Drive light*** - blinking = drive is being accessed.
* ***Battery light*** - blinking = low battery level. You may need a new battery. The computer is about 15 years old.
* ***Power light*** - blinking = computer is in sleep mode
Power on and press <***F10***> key for the Setup menu and select the ***Diagnostics*** menu and run the following:
* Select Hard Disk Selt Test and then
* Memory Test
Does that help?
Does that help?
Just incidently, this computer can be upgraded to a SSD SATA drive and the RAM increased to 4GB for better perfomance. All quite cheaply.
Was the charger pugged in when the light was blinking?
With the charger disconnected take out the battery and press the power button for about 30 seconds. Plug in the charger and press power button does it pwoer up?
You don't mention which light was blinking. There are at least three.
* ***Drive light*** - blinking = drive is being accessed.
* ***Battery light*** - blinking = low battery level. You may need a new battery. The computer is about 15 years old.
* ***Power light*** - blinking = computer is in sleep mode
Power on and press <***F10***> key for the Setup menu and select the ***Diagnostics*** menu and run the following:
* Select Hard Disk Selt Test and then
* Memory Test
Does that help?