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Current version by: Mike Floutier


Replacement Battery Zero volts


Hi, my wife’s 3y/o iPad mini 5 died the other morning. Wouldn’t startup, wouldn’t charge.

I tried all the online suggestions but no joy.

I decided to replace the battery but first I removed the old one (partly to check my ability to do this ok) and found it at 0 volts.

So I ordered a new one and, before fitting, was surprised to find it also at 0 volts.

I wouldn’t have been too surprised but the spare battery I had ordered for my own iPad mini 2, two years ago, was still showing 3.5 volts.

However, the battery seller encouraged me to fit it and charge the device. I did this but no joy.

My real question is; “would you expect a NEW battery to arrive CHARGED?” ie. Is it possible I’ve been sold a dud battery?

Many thanks!

Kind regards, Mike.


iPad mini 5 Wi-Fi



Accepted Answer:


Original post by: Mike Floutier


Replacement Battery Zero volts


Hi, my wife’s 3y/o iPad mini 5 died the other morning. Wouldn’t startup, wouldn’t charge.

I tried all the online suggestions but no joy.

I decided to replace the battery but first I removed the old one (partly to check my ability to do this ok) and found it at 0 volts.

So I ordered a new one and, before fitting, was surprised to find it also at 0 volts.

I wouldn’t have been too surprised but the spare battery I had ordered for my own iPad mini 2, two years ago, was still showing 3.5 volts.

However, the battery seller encouraged me to fit it and charge the device. I did this but no joy.

My real question is; “would you expect a NEW battery to arrive CHARGED?” ie. Is it possible I’ve been sold a dud battery?

Many thanks!

Kind regards, Mike.


iPad mini 5 Wi-Fi

