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Current version by: oldturkey03


-@ricardomillan lens errors are common with digital cameras. First try to fix it by using some of the advise listed [|on here]. If none of those work, you may have to consider replacing the lens. The issue with repairing it, is that parts are usually not available to repair the lens. The problem now is that you will have to be a Pathfinder. There are no guides or teardown for this camera. You are going to have to go solo on that one. The only thing I would suggest is that you use one of the other SD [[Topic:Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS|PowerShot guides]]. Luckily all of them share enough similarities that those guides will be helpful. Just move slowly and methodically and you should be ok.
+@ricardomillan lens errors are common with digital cameras. First try to fix it by using some of the advise listed [link||on here]. If none of those work, you may have to consider replacing the lens. The issue with repairing it, is that parts are usually not available to repair the lens. The problem now is that you will have to be a Pathfinder. There are no guides or teardown for this camera. You are going to have to go solo on that one. The only thing I would suggest is that you use one of the other SD [[Topic:Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS|PowerShot guides]]. Luckily all of them share enough similarities that those guides will be helpful. Just move slowly and methodically and you should be ok.
+While you work on your camera, take lots of pictures. Once you are done with it, take those pictures and create a guide for iFixit. That will help the next person that has a device with the same issues as you do. It's easy and fun to create these guides. The iFixit community will appreciate this.
+Repair is War on Entropy!



Original post by: oldturkey03


@ricardomillan lens errors are common with digital cameras. First try to fix it by using some of the advise listed [|on here]. If none of those work, you may have to consider replacing the lens. The issue with repairing it, is that parts are usually not available to repair the lens. The problem now is that you will have to be a Pathfinder. There are no guides or teardown for this camera. You are going to have to go solo on that one. The only thing I would suggest is that you use one of the other SD [[Topic:Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS|PowerShot guides]]. Luckily all of them share enough similarities that those guides will be helpful. Just move slowly and methodically and you should be ok.

