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Repair information and guides for MacBook Pro models with 13" displays.

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My mac is stuck on the white startup screen!

So, my sister was fooling around on my laptop, and somehow managed to change the color display. After that, system preferences became unresponsive, so I forced quit. After that, it would be unresponsive every time I opened it. My other apps like Safari and Chrome would shut down within a few seconds of opening them. So, I tried restarting. When I tried to turn it back on, it got stuck on the white startup screen with the apple logo in the center. It's still stuck that way! It's a school laptop, and winter break ends soon. I need this fixed ASAP, thanks!

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I solved the issue with first answer. Problem occurred after updating. Option-command-p-r seems to have solved he problem. MacBrook Pro new user.


Thank You! I'm back in business -- took a while, but it worked


How to unblock disk on MacBook


Seems you are in for a OS X reinstall. You shouldn't loose any data. Could also be the disk is starting to fail. That can happen after 5 years or after 2 weeks. Start with CMD+R into recovery and choose "Reinstall MacOS X". I would also try first Disk Utility from the same recovery menu to make sure the drive is ok.


Tried all the solutions save Disk Selection as only have one HDD, will not start in safe mode, did the Disk Utility check with no flags, finally OS X reinstall which took a couple of hours and now it is at the same place i started with the white start up screen, apple logo and progress bar stall at the very end.

Am seriously frustrated and do not know what to try next? Is there any other process to try, I did not turn off the power after the OS X reinstall


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Sometimes you need to restore the NVRAM to get your computer functioning again, reset the NVRAM by powering down the MacBook; restart and immediately hold down the "Command-Option-P-R" keys simultaneously. When you hear the start-up chime a second time, release the keys.

Startup Disk Selection

After resetting the NVRAM, you may need to select the startup disk. This issue usually affects computers with more than one hard drive. Start the computer as normal and hold down the "Option" key as the computer starts. When the Startup Manager displays, use the left or right arrow keys to cycle between hard drive options. Select the main hard drive, usually called Macintosh HD, and press the "Return" key. Wait for your computer to boot into the operating system.

Safe Mode

Starting in Safe Mode also includes an automatic disk check to verify and repair any issues with the operating system software. If you boot into Safe Mode successfully, you can then shut down your computer and attempt to boot normally. To start in Safe Mode, shut down your computer and press the power button to restart; after you hear the start-up chime, press and hold the "Shift" key. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple logo.

Disk Utility

Use Disk Utility to check the status of your hard disk and make sure that you don't have a failing hard drive. Shut down your computer; restart and then hold down the "Command-R" keys until you see the OS X Recovery utility screen. Select the "Disk Utility" option and select the "First Aid" tab. Select your hard drive from the sidebar and then click "Repair" to diagnose and repair the disk. If you have a failing hard drive, a notice displays telling you to back up your system and reformat the hard drive.

Reinstall Mac OS

Reinstalling Mac OS X fixes any corrupt system files and repairs the operating system without deleting your files, applications and other data. Restart and hold down the "Command-R" keys. After you access the OS X Recovery utility, you may need to select a Wi-Fi network so that your Mac can download the latest installation files. Select the "Reinstall OS X" option, click "Continue" and then follow the onscreen prompts to complete the reinstallation of your operating system.

Hope this can help you!

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Thanks SydneyBush for the Step by Step Troubleshooting !

My Mac Pro crashed last night while working. I went step by step and first tried NVRAM Reset a couple of times. Later I tried startup disk selection. I did get the option to select the only once. but nothing happened after. So i moved on to Safemode. Even though it didnt boot completely in Safemode, it shutdown properly after displaying white screen for a while. After this, i moved to disk utility. It worked like breeze. The utility showed all the drives. i did the verify and repair disk. there were no problems with the harddisk. however it did reveal that there was hardly any space available on my harddisk (20 MB out of 1 TB). I restarted the Mac. it booted properly and cleared all the unwanted files and increased the available space to 150 GB. Remember do all this with Main Power plugged in. A few of the attempts were futile when we tried all this on battery power.




Thanks for the info! My issue happened after a system update, it was asking for a restart and I let it do it, after that it wouldn't start at all. It would lock in the logo screen with the progress bar at about 50%.

I tried all steps above but only the "Reinstall Mac OS" worked for me. And it worked as expected, it download the OS, reinstalled, and everything is back normal, no changes to settings or software.

Thanks for your help!


I have the same problem. Only difference is there's no apple logo on center. Till login is fine but after that its plain white screen. It also notify's me that my start up disc is full. Sometimes this white screen happens and sometimes it doesn't. Today I tried 17times and 5 times the same that you answered. Usually when white screen comes. I shutt down and restart. Then it works fine. But now it aint. Plss help. Mines retina display 15inch


My disk says my OS X base systems and Macintosh HD appears to be OK. Now what to do??


Thank you very much sydneybush. Finally i fixed it by resetting the NVRAM.


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> Try a safe boot.

> Run disk utility.

> Reset PRAM.

> Using terminal in single user mode.

> Reinstall Mac OS X.

Firstly you need to shut down your computer. Restart and then hold down the "Command-R" keys until you

see the OS X Recovery utility screen.

Select the disc utility option and select the "First Aid" tab select your hard drive from the sidebar and then click on "Repair" to diagnose and repair the disc. for any other steps visit this blog FIX-mac is stuck on the white startup screen! and see if this help to fix the problem


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I turn on and it goes straight to white screen.. cmd-r doesn't do anything, opt-cmd-p-r doesn't work ( won't make start up sound a second time) .. now what?????? Need to get my HW off of here!!!!


Debbie exactly the same with my MacBook pro 15 (Mid 2012) happened after a system update,


I tried all of these, and either ended up with the apple logo loading screen that just loads for hours and hours but never gets past it, or most often just get a grey prohibition sign (circle with line through it), anyone else have this problem?? Can I still fix it?


same as mine, i have tried all but still the same. Any other ways please.


Hard drive is likely dead make sure you do the select startup drive ad disk permissions part if it’s only corrupted it may fix it


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This blog might be helpful, please have a look:

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I'm experiencing the same issue and tried to resolve as Sydneybush suggested. But I shut down the MacBook after checking the status in disk utility. It was unresponsive (spin wheel was taking too long) and after rebooting using all methods mentioned above the load screen appears with a blinking "?" Folder. Honestly I'm at a loss now and need some help reinstalling OS X.


jd179 - Replace the hard drive/ IR cable. I suggest using the 2012 cable. You should really ask your own question on this.


I tried everything. When I try to reinstall OS X and it asks me to choose a disk where I want to install it no disk pops up. Please help.


Hi I have tried everything but still no luck in fixing the white screen problem, can anyone assist me please.


Hello everybody, I am facing the same problem. Disc utility option did not work to repair my mac osx.. What should I do now?


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None of the options have helped for me. I am able to start up the computer, I hear the chime and it is a white screen. No logo, processing circle, nothing. The only one of the suggested restarts that had some type of response was the NVRAM, the screen would go black and chime over and over again until I released the "Command+Option+P+R".

I am unable to identify if the disck is full, or anything. HELP!

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hi did you ever get this resolved?


same issue here, after I updated yesterday. Now is only white screen...


How did you solve this? I have the same issue


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I'm really shocked that Apple , has done this to thes MacBook Pro 's I mean I super spec'd mine, and update it last weekend, needed to use it and got this same error 'the white screen of death', this isn'the first time I have experienced such with an apple device, I mean I have 2x Apple tvs, a MacBook Pro 3x iPads, 3xapple watches, and I'm shocked that we as the avid Apple community need to solve an apple problem which looks like they think it to be underrated. My entire family on both sides were introduced to Apple, brothers,sisters,mother ,father, in-laws. Seriously I think Apple need to resolve this issue, as I expected more from them.


'Avid-Apple -owner' left scratching his head whether I should have gone dell or IBM

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You have consistently saved me! No matter what problem I have with my 2011 Mac laptop, I run your fixit suggestions and they always work!

You have saved me $, time! Thank you so much.


please I need help. nothing seems to work. when I try to reinstal from a pen drive or even internet recovery after downloading it get stuck again in white screen. from bootable drive ends up stuck again. i have reseted nvram pvram. i have put an windows ssd and it works the boot but its impossible to reinstalt the osx anymore. please send ideias to


me too and i can’t find a fix to save my life


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Yeah apple started going crap after Steve Jobs died. As a teacher I've raved about how good apple WAS in the past. It was super reliable, especially in remote areas but now all they care about is

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I totally agree. I took my fully functioning MacBook Pro in to do a routine battery replacement. They took a long time so I called in. All the sudden my machine needed $1500 in repairs. They mailed the machine back to me. When I got it it was dead!!! They claimed water damage. NOT POSSIBLE. My advice is to either have your name or something personal engraved on the top of your laptop or take the machine apart take good pictures of the inside of the machine before you take it to Apple Store. I am pretty sure I didn't get my very supped up top of the line machine back. The only way I can make sure now is to have the material inside the machine tested for my DNA. Their customer support gets you to talk to them for hours even days. then they say you are just out of luck. sorry nothing we can do. This really happened to me.


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If you think the problem is your hard drive, try these two methods:

a) If you have access to another Apple computer, connect the two together via firewire, thunderbolt, or USB cable. Now reboot your computer, holding down the T key as it tries to boot. Your screen should now show the logo of the cable you used, and your computer will show up as an external drive on the friend’s computer. Use their computer to use GET INFO to find out how much space is available on the drive, then delete files as necessary to make more room (after copying them to another drive, if you wish). Finally, use their computer to run disk utility on your computer’s hard drive. Disconnect & reboot.

b) Reboot your computer, and hold down COMMAND and R while the computer boots. This will give you access to disk utility on your computer. Select the drive, click on the FIRST AID tab, and select RUN to repair problems on your hard drive.

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My macbook pro suddenly freezed and when I restarted it, the white screen came up and I freeked out!! I tried the first 2 solutions it did not work! But After trying the third solution (SAFE MODE) it worked. It showed up the white screen for 2 seconds but then it worked

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the command+r doesn't work on my macbook. How will i fix the same issue as the first one does.. It stock on the apple logo and the wheel keeps on spining.

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as soon as you press the on button hold down Cmd + R and hold until you see the progress bar (or at least i did it that way) wait until it loads all the way then you will see OS X recovery.


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Hi yes please replace ur hard drive!

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Same problem with the grey line stuck at the end,.just reinstall my old HD and the problem is solved.

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Apple sux I hate apple and will never buy another. I’m having the same problem nothing is working I am so irritated.

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2011 mac book pro , white screen with spinning logo, use fixme stick , and then this happened, fix please.

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can this problem be fixed or do I have to send this to apple for repairs.


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If that macbook is mid 2012 or older possible the flex cable is also the problem.

If thats late 2012 up you need to reinstall your max os don’t wipe the hard when installing system so that your data will not be deleted.

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I have the same issue however I was able to complete disk utility first aid, once completed I restarted the MacBook, now the progress bar won’t move at all, still have white screen with apple logo however progress bar doesn’t move. This is frustrating as all !&&* and would love if someone has a fix for me?

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You should wipe your mac completely, It may be causes, if no free space is available on your memory. By removing unwanted stuffs you can create a big space on your Mac and make it speed up.

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