Device won't power on.
Why won't my device power on?
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This happens when the device shuts down due to the battery being flat, completely dead, and then either not being recharged for some time, or attempting to power on the device before recharging it. To get the device to turn on, insert a pin needled size object into the pinhole and hold down the reset button for four seconds. Device should now turn on by holding down power button per usual. If the device still does not turn on you may find other possible errors and solutions on the troubleshooting page located here.
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I have the same problem but this method didn't work. Actually i pluged in the charger but there is not light indicator on my acer aspire switch 12. Plz help
I have the same switch 10 in the image, silver framed detachable tablet. You mention a pin hole between the mic and the Micro SD slot, but there's nothing there on mine, plus the mic and Micro SD slot are on the left side instead of right. I'm pretty sure I have the reset issue, because the light is amber during charge, and turns blue after an hour or so. I just can't get any combination of holding buttons down to work. I need to find this pinhole for reset. Is it somewhere on the motherboard maybe? Maybe they missed putting it in the case in Production. Thanks
Same here as @csweeney66 . Grey, no pinhole to reset.
I have an aftermarket charger tho, i bought it all second hand.
Is there any on-device-chargelight? On the powerbutton perhaps?
Because i get nothing. No lights, no ding when holding down button (s) for reset.
A light would be useful lol
Atleast i have a replacement battery on the way
I have the same problem
Even with new battery it’s not starting up
Did you have any luck with yours ?
Nop. Not with new battery, charger, nothing.
Motherboard gets HOT, wich indicates busted mobo
My acer switch 10 will not trun on even if it’s fully changed and when I plugged in the charger in my laptop it would still not work on the light was not glowing I really need help I have hardly used it to. Please help!!!!
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Well, I don’t know if this is the case, but I found some solutions online, tried each and none worked.
Ended up opening laptop and… BINGO! Power button cable was disconnected from board! :D
As simple as that. So in my case, it was very simple to solve. Just closed it again and that’s it, it’s working without problems so far.
Hope this is the solution for your case!
If not, try the different “reset” methods that exist online.
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It’s a common issue of the buttons flex becoming loose. you just have to sit in place.
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Tried everything also bought brand new acer battery still no good.
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After all my research seems like its a common problem. The motherboard burns out. And they cost as much used as a cheap tablet...
i have acer switch 10e when i plug the charger the light indicater is on but my laptop wont turn on HELP !! guys
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Try to keep pressing power button for a couple of minutes, litterally. It might work! Good luck.
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when you try to power it on do you get any lights or noise from the machine , does the screen glow any post beeps or is it stone cold nothing
by Jimfixer
Stone cold nothing here.
by Benne Clone
I am also looking for an answer, but this is more desert than Sahara...
by mehmeh
Yeah, in my case it was SOOO simple! :D
I simply removed the back of the monitor/touchscreen and immediatly saw the cable that goes to the little board with the side buttons unplugged.
Just plugged back again, and that's it! Hehe.
by mehmeh
Thanks heaps mehmeh!!! It was that simple! I like an easy fix like this. My brother-in-law (acer owner) thinks I'm awesome now.
by jmzaj
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