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The PSP 300x was released in the U.S. on the 15th of October 2008. Repair of this device requires only common tools.

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Charging light won't turn on but the psp functions


So I have this problem, when I plug in my psp, the charging light won't turn on, and it sometimes turns orange for a moment then turns off again. the psp is fully functional and I can turn it on, but it has no batteries detected. I want to know if it's the psp's problem or the battery??

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try cleaning the usb port

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I did, it didn't work


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Be sure to use the ac charger and not the USB. Without a “risky” hardware mod to bridge the 5v pin on the usb port to the charging fuse, the USB charging feature doesn’t work as well as it does on modern phones meaning not at all sometimes. If you are using the ac charger and not the usb port and neither of those ports are dirty then it’s possible the charging fuse on the motherboard blew. It’s located right next to the battery connector that plugs into the motherboard and it’s very small. To replace or fix properly would require really good microsoldering skills. You can check if it’s blown with a multimeter in continuity mode. If it beeps it’s fine if not then it’s bad and needs replacing. This image shows where on the motherboard that fuse is located.

Block Image

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