home button replacement assistive touch won't go away
i had to replace the home button on my iphone 7. got a 3rd party button on ebay that looks exactly like the kind sold here on ifixit. the home button function works great, Touch ID does not (as expected). i recently upgraded IOS from 15.1 to 15.7 that's when the weirdness started. after the upgrade the Assistive Touch (on-screen) Home Button was turned on. i'd turn it off, but it would just turn itself on again.
searching the internet, i found some suggestions about settings in the Accessibility section, but none of those made any difference.
i read in a few places that (and this is conjecture from multiple sources) this is a new "feature" in IOS 15.6 (and later), that when IOS detects there "is a problem" with the home button (meaning it doesn't see the one that was shipped from the factory) it very helpfully turns on the Assistive Touch on-screen button - whether you want it or not. and even if you turn it off, it IOS doesn't care and will turn it back on.
does anyone have any additional light to shed on this?
i get that Apple is just trying to make the user experience better - we're from the government, we're hear to help you... - but when we switch the setting off, it should stay off. "No" means "No" Apple!!!
thanks for any insight you might have.
Is this a good question?
(I'm from Denmark, so maybe tab names have different names)
1. Open Shortcuts.
2. Go to Automatics (not sure of the name in English, but it is the middle tab at the bottom)
3. Setup multiple scenarios, where if "something happens", then set Assistive Touch to OFF. Make sure to disable "Ask before running".
A. When connecting to WiFi or Bluetooth
B. At 8 AM, 9 AM, 10AM etc.
C. When ANY app opens or closes
D. When battery is over/under 50%
E. And much more....
by Alex
Had the same. this video sorted it for me - the removal of the accounts and authentication profile seems to have done the trick (touch wood)
by Martin Corr
I also had my home button replaced and had the same problem where I kept turning AssitativeTouch off and it kept turning itself back on.
Go to accessibility then go to touch turn off AssitativeTouch then go back to Accessibility and scroll down to last section General and make sure Accessibility short cut is OFF
THEN Close down and restart and it should be resolved.
by Robin Tyler