+ | [title|HP ENVY Spectre XT Ultrabook 13-2000 Repair] |
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+ | [summary]The HP Envy (pronounced "H-P-N-V", stylized as HP ENVY) series is a line of laptops and other products manufactured and sold by Hewlett-Packard.[/summary] |
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+ | [summary_image|1513067] |
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+ | == Troubleshooting == |
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+ | For more information regarding to the common troubleshooting issues, please check out the[[HP ENVY Spectre XT Ultrabook 13-2000|Troubleshooting Page]] |
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+ | == Background and Identification == |
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+ | HP originally launched the line on October 15, 2009 with two high-performance models, the Envy 13 and the Envy 15. These models replaced the Voodoo Envy when HP and VoodooPC merged. |
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+ | For the Spectre XT 13-2000eg, HP used the middle-of-the-line Intel Core i5-3317U dual-core processor with a base clock of 1.7 GHz. The processor-integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU handles graphical tasks and rendering. The hardware package is rounded out by 4 GB of DDR3 RAM, a 128 GB SSD. |
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+ | == Additional Information == |
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+ | [https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03425285|HP ENVY Doc] |
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+ | [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Envy|Wiki: HP ENVY] |
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+ | [https://support.hp.com/nz-en/product/hp-envy-spectre-xt-ultrabook-13-2000/5269325/troubleshooting|HP troubleshooting] |