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Revision to Macintosh 128K

Sam Goldheart

Title Changed

+Macintosh 128K

Namespace Changed


+[flag|no area]
+[title|Macintosh 128K Repair]
+[summary]The original Macintosh desktop computer, initially released as the "Apple Macintosh" in 1984.[/summary]
+== Background and Identification ==
+The Macintosh 128k is the original Macintosh desktop computer, released in 1984. It includes an integrated 9" monitor.
+== Specifications ==
+* Model: M0001
+* Introduced: January 1984
+* CPU: Motorola 68000, 7.83 Mhz
+* RAM: 128K
+* Display: 9-inch monochrome screen (512 x 342 pixels)
+* Ports: Two DB9 serial ports, Printer port, External floppy port
+* Storage: Internal 400K SSDD floppy (optional external floppy)
+* OS: Macintosh GUI
+* Power: 60 Watts
+* Dimensions: 13.6" H x 9.6" W x 10.9" D
+* Weight: 16.5 lbs
+== Additional Information ==
+* [|Macintosh 128k]
+* [|Macintosh - 1984]
+* [|Macintosh 128k]