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Crowd-sourcing a Medical Device Repair Database

We’re building a centralized, worldwide, free resource for medical device repair documentation. The COVID-19 pandemic is straining our medical staff, equipment, and biomed technicians. If you have a manual to share that isn’t here yet, please upload it!

We also welcome biomeds around the world to join iFixit’s repair community. No technician is an island, and we hope to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and troubleshooting. Our wiki organization system and collaborative Q&A forum will make sure that this information gets more useful over time. This medical repository is most useful if it is collaboratively moderated by biomeds, with our assistance.

For more background on this project, check out our blog posts:

Background and Definition

Instruments, monitors and other equipment used to diagnose, treat and prevent disease or other health conditions. In the United States, medical devices are regulated and classified by the Food and Drug Administration.

Additional Information

Sam Goldheart

Member since: 10/18/12

471,660 Reputation

538 Guides authored


iFixit Member of iFixit


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