The IQ-XS by Busch and Müller appears in a very clean design, without many screws or hints on how the open the housing. Also, the connector wires don’t have very strong reinforcement and are soldered directly to the circuit board inside the housing. In the (unlikely) event of damage to these cables, here is how to open the light.
A warning before you start: realigning all the parts when reassembling is fidgety, so I wouldn’t recommend opening the light just for curiosity…
The aluminium housing is made from one piece, so access to the inside is only by removing the front lens.
The chassis is held to the aluminium housing by the same T15 torx screw that also holds the mount in place. Remove this screw first.
The lens is held in place only by the two notches to the left and right. They are wedge-shaped in profile.
The visible black ring is a thin layer of rubber and acts as water sealant. It doesn't contribute importantly to fixation of the lens, may be damaged though during disassembly.
Start removing the lens on one side. The other side will come out by itself without more prying. Us a narrow and flat spatula on one side of the housing to guide the lens notch out of the slit in the aluminium housing.
You may need a second spatula to push against the notch from through the slit.
Complete steps in reverse order to reassemble.
Of note: The main circuit board has three holes that center it on the 3 plastic suspensions of the main chassis. Take care to align those properly (consider using a drop of glue on each of the suspension pins to keep it in place).
If they don't align, the LED circuit board will stick out 1mm in the front, preventing the lens from snapping in place properly. This will result in a gap between rubber ring and housing, where water may leak in.
I recommend UHU Por styrofoam glue for this purpose, as it doesn't damage the plastic or circuit board and remains flexible as it dries up.
Same method may be used to hold the silicone back cover in place during reassembly.
Good luck!
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Thank you Martin for the instructions! Without instructions I would have had to buy a new light, one of the cables was broken.
When reassembling, I initially left out the silicone back cover. This enabled me to push the circuit board against the reflector through the hole at the back and thread everything in without any problems. Then I screwed in the screw of the bracket at the bottom (T15 torx screw) again so that the inner workings were fixed. Then I was able to install the silicone back cover at the back and finally push the lens back in at the front. I didn't need glue.
Thank you Nielsson for that alternative!
Thank you for posting your experience with disassembly of the IQ-X. While you had it open, did you notice if it there is a simple way to bypass the Senso mode?
Sorry, I didn’t look at the circuits that closely. If you found a way feel free to share it here!