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How to update Kali

    • Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal Interface.

    • To update and upgrade Kali enter the following command: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

    • If you asked to restart services during the upgrades, choose Yes

    • Once the updates and upgrades are complete some of the packages won't be required. You can remove those packages with the command: sudo apt autoremove -y

    • This will allow your Kali Linux machine to run smoothly and will free up necessary storage.


In the event that you don't have the latest release of Kali Linux, or didn't install it, you're going to want to use the following command

sudo apt update && sudo dist-upgrade -y

Be cautious, as this is the equivalent a major Windows Update and can mess up a system that you have been using for a while.

19 other people completed this guide.

Jacob Mehnert

Member since: 10/18/21

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iFanatics Member of iFanatics


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Hello / Hallo - many thanks / vielen Dank... Top :) .... Regards / Grüße

Marco Werner - Reply

En la versión de kali 2024, al realizar el dist-upgrade, me dañó la instalación.

Ejecuté sudo apt upgrade -y y me actualizó sin problemas.

Removí los programas con la instrucción supo apt autoremove -y

Mario Enrique Salguero Juárez - Reply

Gracias asi es que actualiza esta version

Juan Mario Paba Gomez -

schreibfehler bei upggrade

BossderBosse - Reply

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