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How to use John the Ripper in Kali Linux

What you need

    • Start your computer and boot into Kali Linux

    • If you don't yet have a Kali Linux machine, follow this guide to install the OS onto a Virtual Machine

    • Once the operating system has fully loaded, open the terminal interface.

    • Identify the target file that contains the hashed passwords that you want to crack.

    • Use the Terminal interface to navigate to the directory where your target file is located.

    • John the Ripper requires that the hashed passwords be in a specific format.

    • If the target file contains unsalted MD5 hashes, then you can proceed to the next step. Otherwise you will need to convert the hashes to a compatible format.

    • In the terminal, enter the following command to initiate the John the Ripper program.

    • John [path/to/target/file]

    • John the Ripper will start processing the password hashes using the default settings.

    • John the Ripper will display its progress and estimated time remaining.

    • Once John the Ripper has finished processing, it will display the cracked passwords (if successful) or indicate the inability to crack certain passwords.

    • Examine the results displayed by John the Ripper in the Terminal.

    • Cracked passwords will be displayed alongside their corresponding hashes.

    • Use the obtained passwords responsibly and ensure that they conform to any applicable laws or policies.


Congratulations, you have successfully used John the Ripper with Kali Linux to audit and recover passwords. Remember to exercise caution and ethical considerations when using password-cracking tools.

The most important thing you should take away from this guide is to remember to use this information responsibly. Obtaining unauthorized access to another's computer system or systems is illegal under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act.

Please use the knowledge gained from this guide responsibly.

2 other people completed this guide.

Jacob Mehnert

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