Welcome to the guide that’s designed to help you keep your favorite pair of jeans with a working zipper. As time goes by those favorite pair of jeans tend to loosen up in some areas, the zipper being one of those areas. This guide will help you save money using these very easy steps. Follow this guide if you need to repair the zipper on your jeans.
What you need
Place your zipper in the upright position before trying to connect it to the zipper tracks.
If one of the zipper sides can be attached back on the tracks without any help, SKIP to Step 3.
If your zipper cannot be attached to the tracks easily, continue to the next step.
Follow these quick 30 minute instructions to save your jeans.
Follow these quick 30 minute instructions to save your jeans.
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One Comment
Thanks for the article that helped me gain more knowledge to fix the zipper of my pants. Now I'm going to pull out my broken pants and practice.