- MacBook water damage is not easy to repair, even minor spills can present advanced issues requiring lots of tools and expertise. Self repairing MacBook water damage is doable, however if you are a novice read this entire post to ensure you don't get in over your head. Beware of any advice telling you to simply allow it to dry or clean it with alcohol, modern MacBooks have many components that can be damaged by a spill. This guide will explain all you need to know about MacBook water damage and how to analyze wether or not to attempt self repair or find an expert to handle the repair for you****
Diagnosing MacBook water damage
It’s safe to assume that if you are here then you, or someone you know, has experienced MacBook water damage. If your are like most folks you packed up your soggy Mac and made your way to your local Apple Store, waited in line only to be told that they won’t touch a Mac that has been exposed to liquid. They may offer you a “Tier 4 Repair”, to the tune of $1240.00. Understandably, these options don’t sit well with most consumers, so you rush home and begin to scour the web for a solution. If you’re here then you’re in the right place, lets get started -
What you need
Any MacBook that is exposed to liquid requires a thorough inspection, even a small amount of corrosion untreated can cause a system failure further down the road. You will need to completely disassemble your MacBook to ensure a thorough diagnostic. Here is an idea of what you can expect in a disassembly.
Inspect Keyboard and Track Pad for ANY corrosion or sticky residue – If found a keyboard or trackpad replacement is recommend. Keyboard prices and installation very by model and can be VERY challenging, so be sure you know your MacBook's model number and year in order to buy the right parts.
Inspect the Main LogicBord for any sign of liquid exposure. This should be done with a high powered stereo microscope, each SMD component should be checked for any signs of damage. If damage is found logic board should be cleaned ultrasonically and damaged SMD components replaced. This video will show you what MAY be required to repair your MLB.
All display connections and wiring should be throughly inspected, any sign of liquid exposure and the display replacement recommended. If you see something like this, you may have issues with the display. Remember, all MacBook displays are sealed units and require advanced equipment and skills to correctly repair.
Batteries are often victims of liquid spills and can be very challenging to replace. Battery installation varies from model to model. Here is an example of what you can expect.
Data Integrity – Data integrity should be checked and re checked. In the vast majority of cases data is not effected. If corrosion is present on SSD or HD replacement is recommended. You can purchase an enclosure to recover your data in the event the MacBook is not repairable.
There are many resources to assist in the self repair of MacBook water damage, just make sure you take your time and ensure you have a good grasp of the task ahead of you. If you feel you may be in over your head its always your best bet to find a repair company familiar with MacBook water damage. Good luck!
Thanks for the general repair guide. The last paragraph states that there are many resources for self-repair of liquid damaged MacBooks. However, none are presented.
Does any one have suggestions for repair guides, books or diagrams targeted for the more advanced independent Mac technician? Titles please?
Thank you.
Chris Leeds,
Well Connect Life
Independent Apple Specialist / owner
@wellconnected We have an overview of how to deal with a liquid-damaged phone here, and most of it also applies to laptops. For more advanced liquid damage repairs, check out the YouTube channels for iPad Rehab and Louis Rossmann. Have fun!
Hey, I am Akash, I am from India. My macbook pro model A1502 got damaged due to water. Intially it was working just fine so I thought that the water didnt seeped inside. But now, half of the diplay is completely damaged, there are continuous horizontal lines on the screen, and the screen is flickering continuously. Do I need to get the display assembly removed or is it repairable? Please help. Thanks and regards.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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I wish there was sound included
Hello, you seem to have quite a bit of experience with MacBooks and water damage. I was given a MacBook Air 2018 model A1932, which my niece dropped, it didn’t break the digitizer, only the lcd, and it needs to be replaced. I found a whole machine, same model, however it has water damage. I realize that the connectors and cables are most likely damaged, but do you think it would be ok to use the screen from it?
As long as its the same model you can swap the lcd.