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Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly

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  1. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Unscrew the rear cover: step 1, image 1 of 1
    • Start by removing the six T2 screws that hold the inner lining of the headset to the front.

    Itā€™s actually 6x T3 screws. A T2 driver is smaller than the groves of the T3 screws, will slip and strip.

    Steven - Reply

    It may depend on your bit manufacturer. I used an ifixit T2.

    Daniel Yoder - Reply

    What screw size are these? I need to replace one but I don't know what to search for

    Michele Bright -

    I have T2 on mine as well

    weiwei.e.sun - Reply

    What if one of the screws strips? We are using a t3 and it got all screws out but one. Now we cannot get that last screw out

    AliD - Reply

    Not much you can do except drill it out.

    Kmic -

  2. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the rear cover: step 2, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the rear cover: step 2, image 2 of 2
    • One side at a time, insert a pick next to the nosepiece, slide it to the edge and pry.

    • When both sides are loose, carefully lift the cover out, and fold it so that the nose piece is on the outer perimeter of the device, as shown in the second image.

    • The proximity sensor is still connected via a flex cable, so be careful to not rip or crease the cable.

    • Lift the small black clip on the ZIF connecter up, and pull the flex cable out.

    • The cable is lightly adhered to the headset so be careful when removing it.

    • During reassembly, make sure to position the cable correctly. Latching the small black clip back on shouldn't require much force. If you don't connect the cable correctly, the headset's screen may stay black and the device will turn off after a few seconds.

    Hard as rock, day 2

    Antonio Rico Torres - Reply

    Iā€™m going to do this in about 2 month and this part seems difficult any tips?

    Someone - Reply

    Shove your prying tool right in the sides (right and left, where the two arrows pointing inward are) and it pops right out (don't push too fast, just keep pushing until it pops out, i suggest using the flat end of a normal Ifixit spudger)

    Kmic -

    I REALLY wish this step had some better close ups. I thought I connected the cable correctly but I'm getting the black screen silly stuff going on. Boo!

    Infinimitsu - Reply

    You have to push the connector in a bit, and then the black clip will latch down. I'm using a lighted magnifier, myself.

    Shayne Cameron - Reply

    Bouta throw this thing across the room trying to open it

    Possum - Reply

    The zip part ruined everything for me, the screen appears black, it no longer holds, I think I'll use glue to make it stay fixed

    perrtio XD - Reply

    las letras en rojo deberian ir al principio imbƩciles....

    Julio cesar roa silva - Reply

  3. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Detach ZIF Connector: step 3, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Detach ZIF Connector: step 3, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Detach ZIF Connector: step 3, image 3 of 3
    • The ribbon cable is lightly attached to the headset with adhesive and the cable is connected with a ZIF connector. Consult Step 1 of the Recognizing & Disconnecting Cable Connectors guide (RDCC guide) for ZIF connector info.

    • Use the tip of a spudger to flip up the locking flap to release the cable. See pictures 2 and 3 to understand how the flap operates.

    • The cable is lightly adhered to the headset so be careful when removing it.

    • During reassembly, make sure to position the cable correctly. Latching the small black clip back on shouldn't require much force. If you don't connect the cable correctly, the headset's screen may stay black and the device will turn off after a few seconds.

  4. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Unscrew the front cover: step 4, image 1 of 1
    • Remove the three P000 screws.

    • Remove the two P000 screws

    • The two orange screws near the top are very deep, a longer head screwdriver may be required

    Does iFixit have a set with a screwdriver for accessing the left top screw shown here? The space there is very narrow.

    S-ed - Reply

    The correct size for these five screws is P000, not P0.

    Matthew Foreman - Reply

    where can I look up the naming scheme for that screw size youā€™r etalking about?

    is that the same as the phillips PH000?

    is that describing the thread dimensions or the head of the screw, or both?

    Iā€™ve looked up the screw dimensions / where I can get spares but canā€™t seem to find consistent results for this one,

    I want to know the screwā€™s head and thread measurements so I can recreate a custom oculus shell in CAD and have the proper screws and parts all fit back together properly.

    _latch_key_ -

    The ph screw driver was wrong and I stripped one of the screws thanks a lot ifixit - Reply

    Of note; the screws are PH000 and they are especially soft and easy to strip.

    Alexander Owen - Reply

    For those like me that do not have the Marlin screwdrivers or any other thin extension to reach the two deep screws, but if you do have an iFixit kit with bits: I used the normal PH00 bit and the 4mm nut driver as a DIY extension. However, they do not magnetize so this may require some extra finesse to ensure they don't fall apart.

    MINK - Reply

    The ifixit kit comes with several ph sizes. There is ph000 ph00 and ph0 among others. It is printed on the side of the bits. They are definitely ph0 screws. The regular screwdriver in the ifixit kit canā€™t reach the two top screws. You will need an extension.

    Brian Krygier - Reply

    it is PH00 screws for sure, I tried with the PH0 bit from iFixit kit and it does NOT fit

    iampi - Reply

    I tried the screw bit that yall told me to use, but one of the screws got stripped. How can i remove it?

    lastunio - Reply

    Stupid &&^&^$^ guide. Stripped all three screws. Waste of 3 hours. Whoever made this, go &&^& yourself.

    streetle - Reply

    Stupid Retards

    streetle - Reply

  5. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the front cover: step 5, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the front cover: step 5, image 2 of 2
    • Insert a pick and pry at these four spots to release the clips.

    • Lift the front cover away from the headset.

    I found it best just to gently pull it off from the side with my finger nails. There is nothing connected to this cover, yet be careful enough not to break the plastic clips.

    Padraic Hoselton - Reply

    I donā€™t need to go to any further steps because Iā€™m only replacing the front shell but still it is a good thing I found out about this tutorial or else I would be a mess right now

    Someone - Reply

  6. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the battery bracket: step 6, image 1 of 1
    Tool used on this step:
    • Unplug the side WiFi antenna. See step 5 of the RDCC guide. To disconnect the cable, slide a thin, ESD-safe pry tool or tweezers under the metal neck of the connector and lift straight up from the board.

    • Remove the 4.4 mm P000 screw

    • Remove the two 2.3 mm P000 screws

    After I remove bracket I found that battery cable already disconnected.After connect it my problem of quest 2 not charge after drop is fix. Thank you for helpful guide.

    Korakot Ano - Reply

    If the problem of it not charging persists it is a motherboard issue

    Kmic -

    Do you have the lengths for these color codes? I sorted mine but the cat knocked the bin over mixing the screws, most I remember. The bt antenna and the front housing screws are all I have left to sort

    bilmenendez - Reply

    Same thing happened to me, I unplugged my battery wire and put it back on and now it's working. If you dropped your headset as well, this would probably help

    Luis Benitez - Reply

    When reassembling, pay attention to the bottom left part of the metal bracket. It has to go under the main board.

    ibrobr - Reply

  7. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Unplug the battery: step 7, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Unplug the battery: step 7, image 2 of 2
    • Unplug the battery. See Step 4 of the RDCC Guide. Use the spudger to pry the connector straight up.

    • Remember to put part of the battery ribbon cable under the logic board when reassembling.

  8. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the Bluetooth antenna: step 8, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the Bluetooth antenna: step 8, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the Bluetooth antenna: step 8, image 3 of 3
    • Remove two P000, 4.8 mm long screws.

    • Remove four P000, 4.8 mm long screws.

    • Remove two P000, 10.7 mm long screws.

    • The arrow points to the Bluetooth antenna. To disconnect see step 5 of the Guide. Go to picture 2. To disconnect the cable, slide a thin, ESD-safe pry tool or tweezers under the metal neck of the connector and lift straight up from the board.

    • Picture 3. Remove the antenna from the headset.

    Note the inner and outer yellow screws are different sizes.

    Steve Mackie - Reply

  9. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the cooling fan: step 9, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the cooling fan: step 9, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the cooling fan: step 9, image 3 of 3
    • Unplug the fan.

    • Remove the T2 screw

    • Remove the P000 screw

    • Lift the front LED away from the headset.

    • Lift the fan away from the headset.

    Holas, quien me dice que es la parte negra del centro de las gafas, que es como una cinta negra grande

    Jhon Hoyos - Reply

    If you have trouble lifting the plastic fan assembly, check the ledge above the orange T2 screw. It might help to bend the plastic case a bit away from the screw (up) so the fan assembly has a bit more space and isn't held down by the ledge anymore.

    ibrobr - Reply

  10. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the heatsink: step 10, image 1 of 1
    • Remove the four P000 screws

    • Remove the heatsink.

    Thermal Paste Present

    saulcutting - Reply

    Do I have to remove this if I am only planning to clean debris off the inside of the eye cups / lens?

    Rod Gonzales - Reply

    Yes, if you are trying to get inside the lenses you have to remove everything.

    Kmic -

  11. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect ZIF, WiFi and USB cables: step 11, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect ZIF, WiFi and USB cables: step 11, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect ZIF, WiFi and USB cables: step 11, image 3 of 3
    • There are 2 ZIF connectors near the top of the mainboard. The ZIF flap on the right has been opened. The ZIF flap is opened by pushing down in the direction of the orange arrow.

    • Unlatch both ZIF connectors and disconnect the cables. These cables lead to the front LED and IPD sensor, and proximity sensor.

    • Unplug the side WiFi antenna connector. See step 5 of the RDCC guide. To disconnect the cable, slide a thin, ESD-safe pry tool or tweezers under the metal neck of the connector and lift straight up from the board.

    • Unplug the cable leading to the USB Type-C port and headphone jack. See Step 4 of the RDCC Guide. Use the spudger to pry the press connector straight up.

    If you're planning on removing the midframe later on, peel the black tape above yellow arrows off of the two cables it tapes together, because the left cable goes with the midframe and the right one must stay. The cables might twist when you remove the midframe and it'll get uncomfortable to peel it off in that position.

    ibrobr - Reply

  12. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Speakers from Main Board: step 12, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Speakers from Main Board: step 12, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Speakers from Main Board: step 12, image 3 of 3
    • Two sets of speaker cables are connected to the main board.

    • Grab the wires and pull out to disconnect the speaker cables.

  13. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Top Cameras: step 13, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Top Cameras: step 13, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Top Cameras: step 13, image 3 of 3
    • Disconnect the ZIF connectors for the top cameras

    • The ZIF connector is shown in the second picture. A spudger should be used to push up the locking flap as shown by the red arrow.

    • When the flap is open the ribbon cable may be pulled from the connector.

    • Remember to do both camera ZIF connectors.

    • When reassembling, note that the camera covers are unique to each side. The holes in the covers should be pointed up and in the proper location.

  14. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Bottom Cameras & Power: step 14, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect Bottom Cameras & Power: step 14, image 2 of 2
    • Open the flaps on the three ZIF connectors and detach the ribbon cables.

    If you're planning on removing the midframe later, the cables from two press connectors near the bottom cameras must be detached as well. One connector is visible on provided images in the bottom left corner. It's not in the guide yet, it seems, but the connectors must stay on the midframe (with the cameras) and the black upper cables are connected with components on the case. The connector itself is glued to the copper foil under it, so carefully pry from the bottom of the upper cable. If you pry from left or right, you can accidently unglue the connector.

    ibrobr - Reply

    Another option for the midframe removal is to detach the cables from 2 more ZIFs (the smaller ones) below the "bottom cameras" ones pointed to by red arrows. It makes the total of 5 ZIFs for this step.

    ibrobr - Reply

  15. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect the Screen Cable: step 15, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect the Screen Cable: step 15, image 2 of 2
    • The screen cable is attached with a press connector.

    • Use the spudger to pry the press connector straight up. See Step 4 of the RDCC Guide.

    What is mm of thermal pad

    ėŒ•ėŒ•ģ“ - Reply

  16. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the mainboard: step 16, image 1 of 1
    • Remove the following screws:

    • One 3.5mm hex screw

    • Four P000 screws

    • These screws are non-magnetic.

    • Remove the mainboard.

    The "P0" (P000, actually) screws here are non-magnetic! Be careful not to lose them!

    ibrobr - Reply

  17. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Mainboard: step 17, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Mainboard: step 17, image 2 of 2
    • Close up on the mainboard.

    Any chance to list all chips on board?

    ksazazel - Reply

    it looks like there is a 64gb sandisk chip that might come off with some hot air :)

    (but this board look completely different than the quest 2 boards offered on eBay....)

    nitrous dude - Reply

    I don't know exactly but when I replaced my board this is what it looked like

    Kmic - Reply

    Amigos, saben que pasta termica se utiliza ahi en la placa base

    gafas 1 - Reply

  18. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect the Power to the Midframe: step 18, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect the Power to the Midframe: step 18, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Disconnect the Power to the Midframe: step 18, image 3 of 3
    • Remove the four P000 screws

    • Unroute the side WiFi antenna.

    • The battery power comes to the midframe through this cable. The cable has a metal pad on the bottom and is attached to the midframe with glue. Separate the metal plate on the bottom of the connector from the midframe.

    On the upper right hand side of this image next to the first WiFi antenna you unplug, there is a ribbon cable that is held down with a STRONG adhesive that is very difficult to get off. I had to heat up the plastic tool I was using and the cable itself to soften it enough to pull of. Be very careful with it.

    Gavin Alton - Reply

    There is a metal plate glued to the bottom of the cable. It is easier to get a tool under the metal plate and separate it from the midframe than to unglue the cable from the plate. prying against the plate provides some protection for the cable.

    Ben Klopfenstein -

    Amigos quien de ustedes saben que pasta termica es la que se utiliza en la placa board

    gafas 1 - Reply

    The two bottom screws here are P00 (and are slightly longer!), the two top ones are P000.

    ibrobr - Reply

    About the green part: do not pry under the foam and above the metal plate! There's a ZIF I accidentally broke this way (thinking it's a press connector with a cable that must be detached - no, it may be left in place). Unglue the metal plate under the cable, don't do anything with the connector.

    ibrobr - Reply

  19. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the Midframe: step 19, image 1 of 1
    • The midframe is removed giving access to the battery.

  20. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Battery Removal: step 20, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Battery Removal: step 20, image 2 of 2
    • Remove the two P000 screws, which hold the battery to the front of the case.

    • Remove the four P000, which hold the battery to the back of the case.

  21. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Battery Case: step 21, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Battery Case: step 21, image 2 of 2
    • Remove the three T2 screws, which hold the cover on the battery case.

    • After the cover is removed.

    • The Quest 2 has a battery life of 2.5 hours, drawing an average of 5.6W.

    Hi would yo happen to know what the battery cable socket is called and anywhere I could find an extension cable to move the battery to a different location at the back of my head I have my quest in a motorbike helmet and want to ballance the weight better around my head without adding extra counter wights.

    Dan Marshall - Reply

  22. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the USB/Speakers/Arms: step 22, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the USB/Speakers/Arms: step 22, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Remove the USB/Speakers/Arms: step 22, image 3 of 3
    • Release the speaker wire from the speaker retainer.

    • Remove the seven P000 screws from the speaker retainer and USB port.

    • Use the spudger to free the speaker retainer.

    • Remove the USB charge port and the speaker retainer.

    Can someone please elaborate on how to remove the metal clips on the arms/speakers?

    Is there a special tool or technique?

    Fixxif - Reply

    Same here. I canā€™t figure out how to remove the clips.

    Colin Harris - Reply

    I would like to know how too! I need to replace my speaker but i doesn't find the technic for metal clip. Thank you

    Patrick Potvin - Reply

    its easy enough to use tweezers to remove the clips.

    Ben Klopfenstein - Reply

    I am having trouble removing the screws. Any tips how to get them out.

    AJ Sandoval - Reply

    for anyone still struggling, you need to squeeze in a small flathead screwdriver deep under the metal tab. that way it releases it properly. if you look a pictures of the springs you can see the little latch there on the side with the tab

    Imya Familiya - Reply

  23. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Removing the Springs: step 23, image 1 of 2 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Removing the Springs: step 23, image 2 of 2
    • Use a small screwdriver to tip up the tabs on the springs.

    • Remove the springs using needle nose pliers.

    Merci pour ton tuto. Pour info les "ressorts" sont vraiment difficile Ć  retirer.

    Tadig SA - Reply

  24. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Arm Speaker Attachment Method: step 24, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Arm Speaker Attachment Method: step 24, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Arm Speaker Attachment Method: step 24, image 3 of 3
    • The arm and speaker are passed through the headset and locked in place with the rubber retaining ring.

    • Tabs in the rubber retaining ring pass through the slots in the arm. These are the slots that previously held the springs. the ring is turned to lock or unlock the arm.

  25. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Arm / Speaker Removal: step 25, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Arm / Speaker Removal: step 25, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Arm / Speaker Removal: step 25, image 3 of 3
    • How you grasp the retaining ring depends on which arm you are working on.

    • When you are working on the arm located near the on/off button, you must put your hand through the part of the headset that is normally towards your face to grasp the retaining ring. You then push the arm down in the direction shown in the second picture.

    • When working on the arm located near the USB port you must put your hand through the front of the headset to grasp the retaining ring. You then push the arm down as shown in the third picture.

  26. Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Lens assembly: step 26, image 1 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Lens assembly: step 26, image 2 of 3 Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly, Lens assembly: step 26, image 3 of 3
    • Small metal tabs hold the guide rails that the lenses slide on. Removing the rails reveals the display.

    • There is a protective sheet of plastic over the screen. Be careful of dust and scratches.

    What do the screens look like under the lenses? How and where do the cables transmitting the image and power to the screens?

    radgesaidor - Reply

    Can you add a bit of information about the charging port. I need to replace but not sure best way to access.

    Catherine Kendrick - Reply

    You have to remove the assembly from the shell first, i.e. everything up to step 12.

    After that you have 4 screws to pull out, 2 of which also hold in the speaker assembly.

    Jheremya Kinsel -

    If you've removed the lens, when placing them back make sure they can snap in 3 positions, not 4. I initially hadn't notice mine snapped in 4 positions somehow (1, 1.75, 2.5, 3). I assembled the helmet, put it on and the lens immediately felt slightly misaligned. The software, of course, supports only 3 positions, it felt a bit dizzy, and I was able to see the edge of the screen. So had to disassemble all the way down again.

    Apparently, the gear might have the wrong "phase", so you may have to manually rotate it to find the right initial position when replacing the lens. The easiest way, of course, is to pay attention to lens position in which you took them off, so you can replace them exactly the same way.

    ibrobr - Reply

    It's easier to replace the lens in the closest IPD position (1), not the widest (3), as the lens apparently shouldn't go to the very end of the rail, i.e. they shouldn't touch the outer plastic in position 3, there's a small gap.

    Also don't be surprised with double vision on the logo during the first boot, since the system boots with the last IPD it has seen (and you might've changed it when it was turned off). It should be gone shortly.

    ibrobr - Reply

    can you remove the lenses with just the first cover removal or is full disassembly necessary?

    Brett Holden - Reply

Finish Line

128 other people completed this guide.


Member since: 01/11/21

2,568 Reputation

1 Guide authored


Thank you so much to me for making this guide. Helped me a lot!

It is worth emphasizing that this device has 2! WIFI antennas.

Anyone who wants to disconnect WIFI from their device must disconnect both.

Their connection to the motherboard, is right next to each other, but the right connection is immediately revealed while the left connection next to it is hidden under the black cover and requires a number of additional disassembly steps.

Alternatively, anyone who wants to disconnect WIFI from their device can disconnect the wires in the area where they connect to the antenna stickers on the right and left sides of the eyepieces of the glasses, thus saving all the disassembly of the front cover.

שמחה ג×Øשון בו×Ø×Ø - Reply

Thanks!! this really helped me, I have already customized mine with an official custom filter, but this will add an additional layer of Kashrus.

Leib Felberbaum -

If you just need to replace a cameraā€¦ itā€™s 14 screws. You need a T2 and a PH0 (not a P0ā€¦) Pretty easy once you get the front cover off and not covered here. Itā€™s pretty easy to see what you do once you get in there though. Good luck!

Chris Madson - Reply

PH0 and P0 are the same :)

Lylo -

Bravo pour ces informations. Un grand merci

Guidemann Christophe - Reply

Š³Š“Šµ Š·Š°ŠæчŠ°ŃŃ‚Šø тŠ¾ ŠæŠ¾ŠŗуŠæŠ°Ń‚ŃŒ Š½Š° Š“Š°Š½Š½Š¾Šµ устрŠ¾Š¹ŃŃ‚Š²Š¾. Š²Ń‹Š»Š¾Š¼Š°Š»Šø ŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚ usb, Š° Š·Š°Š¼ŠµŠ½Šøть Š½ŠµŃ‡ŠµŠ¼.

Alexandr Freelan - Reply

Š²Ń‹ Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŃ‚Šµ ŠŗуŠæŠøть этŠ¾ Š½Š°

Kmic -

Un grand merci pour ce tuto qui mā€™a permis de sauver mon casque suite Ć  une grande rasade de vin blanc .

GĆ©rard leroy

gerardleroy78480 - Reply

This guide is overall great however just as some feedback some of the clour lables are not taged to anything as well as it would be great to see some images of where the battery is located as well as how to get it out.

Pwarrow88 - Reply

Where is the hard drive located? Is it possible to upgrade the hard drive if you disassemble it far enough?

Ben Stout - Reply

Canā€™t say for sure, but itā€™s VERY likely that the SSD is soldered to the main board and not replaceable without considerable skill and expensive tools

matthew wallace -

The storage device is the large flash chip on the main board labeled ā€œSanDisk.ā€ It is not user-upgradable (well, without considerable effort and maybe a little software hacking).

Aidan Lawrence -

Iā€™m trying to replace the Aux/power port on the mid frame part on the oculus, is it necessary to remove the mainboard in order to gain access to the part Iā€™m trying to replace?

Rizal Antipuesto - Reply

Iā€™m wondering if you had any luck with this as the brand new headset I got was damaged over Christmas and now the charge port is incredibly loose.

Ryan Hill -

Yes, the port is hidden by the lense/screen assembly

Kmic -

Has anyone confirmed whether or not the Quest 2 has an internal SD card reader? Someone on Facebook claims there is one, but I canā€™t find anything online that backs it up.

William Cousert - Reply

Is a full disassembly necessary to remove the lens assembly, or is it simple as just removing the rear cover and swapping it out?

Colten - Reply

Thank you for this guide, I would like to replace the microphone with an output from a hardware vocoder would this be possible?

Joao Lee - Reply

Were you able to determine where the microphone is located? I'm replacing the LCD that went bad, but I'd like to fix the microphone while I'm in there.

Drew -

how would go about getting to the power button If I just want see if itā€™s not damaged because that is the only problem I am having. Is to turn it on

Brandxn - Reply

Need more detail on how to the clip of the first proximity sensor is removed/replaced.

Anthony Rossi - Reply

oh. nice article rellyy hlpdddesbdyf rgoofnv thought hhbdj cbbjhnnsndvxc

Soren Nordgren - Reply

any idea where can i get replacement parts?

laz - Reply

ebay or, Aliexpress too

Kmic -

what is the weight of battery? it's possibile turn on without battery but with cable connected? i think the best solution for future quest it's battery swapping.

patrikmeneguot - Reply

Battery weight is 63g - I tested and you are not able to use the quest 2 with the battery removed and a power cable connected. The meta logo will appear for ~.1 seconds, then a battery with a slash through it image will appear on the screen.

d__g -

Agradezco mucho la informaciĆ³n es una gran ayuda ya que tengo que desarmar totalmente el aparato que es de mi sobrino y lo dejo en el suelo y se le metieron hormigas sin estĆ” ayuda no creo haber podido hacerlo gracias

warner bermudez - Reply

Hay in step 2 removing the rear cover I accidentally cut the ribbon connecting to the rear cover (proximity ribbon) does any1 know where I can get a replacement?

Jerrett Luedy - Reply

Id try eBay to find a used one as i doubt if Oculus, Facebook or Meta will just sell you the part outright!

Matthew Reed -

So far so good waiting for my replacement screen dam hope for my girls sake i get it back together .hate to file a missing person report.

April Webb - Reply

Do I need to remove everything to replace the lens and LCD?

David Tompsett - Reply

The LCD screen shouldn't need changing just change the lens. But if you need both just by a new unit as the Lens is about $80 and the LCD is about the same so for the cost of the parts its probably just easier to buy new!

Matthew Reed -

Is it possible to remove the lenses on early stages?

ozan uygan - Reply

No you have to remove the screen assembly

Kmic -

I just swapped the mainboard into a new headset piece (speakers power button etc) and the unit works for about 2 minutes and then goes to a black screen. I can hit the power button again and get the device to display three dots, then the screen goes dark again.

Anyone have any ideas? This repair went very smoothly so Im not sure if its overheating now or what.... I did try disabling the prox sensor as well and that did not help.

Chase Gober - Reply

Probably needed to replace the thermal past that was compromised when your disassembled it.

larstaylor -

You Might have damaged your proximity sensor ribbon cable or connector as it wont work if it cannot detect if its on your face or not. Disabling the prox sensor will for SURE cause that error 100%! It cannot be disabled. That's why I think its the prox sensor ribbon cable or a bad connector that the cable goes into. Try replacing both the sensor and its connector ribbon cable if thats thats possible.

Matthew Reed -

Hi has anyone try swapping a 64gb mainboard for a 128 gb or 256gb to increase the storage?

Dimase - Reply

I did and it worked great, but the teardown to swap the board is tedious and very very delicate work!!

Matthew Reed -

I donā€™t know why people are praising this guide. It is terrible, incomplete. Lacks detail. Hand waives critical steps and instructions.

It is a terrible guide, one of the worst on this site.

I have been trying to figure out how to ā€œlife the front led away from the headsetā€ for two hours. Each gentle attempt risks destroying it. Worst and most clear instruction I have ever seen.

And that is after trying to deduce what the OP meant multiple times, each with an intuitive leap of faith; rather than clear instructions.

larstaylor - Reply

if you are still trying a year later, the front LED is held to the fan assembly with some adhesive below the LED, you can just either pull it off or use a pry tool to get it off

Coliflower185 -

It would have been nice of the OP had mentioned that you donā€™t need to take the %#*@ motherboard and heat sink off to dissemble the main body.

And mentioned that you will need to have thermal paste available to replace the thermal paste you ruined by removing a motherboard and heat sink youā€™d hit even need to remove.

larstaylor - Reply

Does replacing the mainboard is plug and play ?

Do i need to do something on the software side to get it to work ?

Asking before ordering part , answer will be very appreciated.

Kobi - Reply

Yes you can swap motherboards! I did it in mine to get better memory, but if you have a warranty I wouldn't recommend it as this will void your warranty! I replaced my motherboard from a 64GB board to a 128GB one, the Oculus unit booted right up easily, then it gets its updates over the internet so just connect it to your wifi and it will update itself to the newest latest automatically! Now the teardown is tedious and if your not good with electronics I wouldn't attempt it!! As its very easy to damage things!

Matthew Reed -

Hello. After replacing the motherboard, how to pair the old controllers?

Roman Doga -

Definitely one of the most unnecessarily complex devices I've ever disassembled.

Ended up having to take apart everything just to replace that one fried USB port, even accidentally snapped off the latches from two ribbon cable ports in the process (though the latter is entirely my fault in handling teeny tiny pieces).

But at least my Quest 2 is no longer a paperweight now. Thanks OP.

muhdizrin - Reply

Can You help me? I try to reject the wifi modules and bluetooth modules but ı dont know which one is the wifi and which one is the bluetooth. Thank you for help.

Ahmet Hakan Yıldırım - Reply

The wifi is in on the top right of the motherboard (pic 5) and the bluetooth antenna is required for it to work, but is attached to the black piece at the bottom (pic 6)

Kmic -

Where is wifi chip? Can I remove it? if I success to remove it, quest 2 works well without wifi?

Antti Silvast - Reply

Just buy a whole new mainboard, ebay is selling the mainboards really cheap!! Just swap mainboards its easy, but make sure you unpair and factory reset your oculus before you do so, then when you pair the new board to your account its as easy as pie!

Matthew Reed -

Mainboard image must be fake as SK Hynix doesn't make the Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU for the Oculus Quest 2, where the heck did that image come from??

Matthew Reed - Reply

Hi someone got over excited and dropped my quest now it works for approximately 5 min then the left screen turns off...can this be fixed?



Jubehasit - Reply

Sounds like it needs a new screen.

Kmic -

Hola a todos, tengo un problema con mis oculus, no me funciona el Wifi y lo reiniciĆ© con los parametros de fabrica pero ahora no puedo completar las opciones de inicio del sistema, hay alguna forma de saltarse la configuraciĆ³n de Wifi ???????

Sergio Salazar - Reply

Where would I buy a replacement fan and heatsink

Tyler Smith - Reply

Ebay or a website called fix my oculus

Kmic -

Hola a todos, de casualidad alguno sabe dĆ³nde comprar el Flex que va a uno de los sensores superiores de las Oculus quest 2

Jhon Hoyos - Reply

Where the heck do I buy a Oculus 2 headset battery in Australia?? I have been looking & can't find anything like it???

suewatson939 - Reply

Thanks for your guidance

Biswajit Nandi - Reply

Does anyone have any idea how far into the disassembly is necessary to just do a shell swap? The speaker arms are damaged on both sides and it sounds like a shell swap would be easier than replacing the arms.

Headset Shell Frame

Rygel Fievel - Reply

You have to remove everything, sorry.

Kmic -

Has anyone had to replace a broken speaker arm/headband.

carrollshepard - Reply

Something worth noting for anyone doing this is first time many of the cables will be held down with adhesive tape, so you will need to remove the tape before some of the steps, mainly removing the midframe.

also my quest didn't have the 3.5mm hex screw for the motherboard in it for some reason.

Coliflower185 - Reply

The left lens on my headset completely stopped working recently. It used to turn back on if I slapped my headset but that has since stopped working. I would assume that it is either a faulty or loose connection to something, but I don't know for sure. How would I go about checking/possible fixing something like that?

Beegeeloo - Reply

It needs a new screen altogether

Kmic -

Any idea why one would stay white with blue lines in on the screen

Brittany Lemons - Reply

It means that the screen is broken.

Kmic -

Savez-vous si le port USB peut ĆŖtre changĆ© ? Le mien a grillĆ©. Le casque fonctionne, mais je ne parviens pas Ć  recharger.

Christian Bredin - Reply

Oui, vous pouvez changer le port USB-C, mais cela demande beaucoup de travail

Kmic -

Danke fĆ¼rs Zeigen.

Mich wĆ¼rde interessieren, ob man die beiden Objektive so montieren kann, dass der Augenabstand nicht symetrisch ist. Eines meiner Augen ist 3,5mm weiter vom Zentrum als das andere Auge.



Martin - Reply

Es gibt nur drei Anpassungen fĆ¼r die Augen, ohne das Oculus zu verƤndern, ist das nicht mƶglich.

Kmic -

Has anyone an idea where to get a spare battery?

Hornbrille - Reply

You can find one on ebay or there is a website called fix my oculus

Kmic -

used this to mod a vent hole in the front. guide helps quite a lot! thank you!

test subject - Reply

If i wanted to swap the headset shell can i remove the entire assembly or do i remove everything bit by bit. Thanks.

Roland Long - Reply

Everything comes out a little bit at a time because of cables. Hope this helps

Kmic -

I accidentally unplug the 3rd sensor! Where do I plug it back it at ????????? And do I need a special cord to charge it? I bought it off a friend of some sort but I cant get it to charge or turn on either they ripped me off or I have the wrong cord please help

Richie - Reply

Considering it can't charge (I had the same problem) it needs a motherboard replacement. You don't need a specific cord to charge it, but i recommend the one that comes with the headset. As for the sensor is it the top left, top right, bottom left, or bottom right?

Kmic -

I have black screen when turn on it, and I can reboot, and do factory reset but the black screen still. I donĀ“t know if is the proximity sensor. Any idea?

Emanuel Alejandro JG - Reply

What kind of connector does the display use, is it proprietary or a standardized connector? I want to know i could buy a non working quest 2 and adapt the screen directly to hdmi or display port for use not as a vr headset

Riley Parker - Reply

Thank you so much for the guide! I was able to fix my noisy broken fan thanks to this guide!

Alexander de Jong - Reply

So if anyone is considering doing this, DONT. Because for some reason of malarchy the focal sensor and any zif attachment like it DOES NOT reseal, fun init?

Arteson-mec - Reply

So it need a reseal

LinenYTStudio -

A lot of people have stripped their screws because this guide says to use a P0 screwdriver... it's well known in the industry that Meta Quest 2 headsets use P000 screws.

I have corrected this in this guide, but we will need to wait until my changed are verified by somebody who knows this before they will be visible.

Michael Ratcliffe - Reply

Shame the usb replacement needs nearly all these steps

chris tippet - Reply

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