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Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement

Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement

amber woolery

amber woolery and 6 other contributors

Last updated on October 20, 2020

15 - 30 minutes
Needs Better Images


Go to step 1

If your Sony ICF-C1T is having trouble increasing or decreasing volume, use this guide to replace the volume dial.

The volume dial gauges the volume produced by the Sony ICF-C1T by rolling the dial-up and down. If your system does not change the volume upon moving the dial, the dial may need to be replaced.

Step 3-5 requires separating part of the device, make sure to use caution handling circuitry to ensure that no wires are torn.

Before beginning this guide, make sure to unplug the device and remove any batteries.

What you need


  1. Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement, Volume Dial: step 1, image 1 of 1
    • Remove the 4 (14mm) screws from the underside of the device using the Philips #0 Screwdriver.

    • Before beginning this step, make sure the clock is unplugged and the batteries have been removed.

  2. Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 2, image 1 of 1
    • Pry apart the edge of the top and side portions of the device using a flat-headed tool (i.e. flathead screwdriver, card, etc)

    • It is recommended to use the iFixit Opening Tools for optimal removal.

  3. Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 3, image 1 of 2 Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 3, image 2 of 2
    • Carefully separate the device by gently pulling up on the top of the clock/radio.

    • Use caution when pulling the top of the clock; the clock display is located directly behind the faceplate and still connected by multiple wires.

  4. Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 4, image 1 of 2 Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 4, image 2 of 2
    • To remove the motherboard, gently pull apart the sides of the device.

    • Do not pull hard on the motherboard, as it is still connected by multiple wires inside the device.

    • Be careful of sharp pieces.

    • It would be helpful, although not necessary, to have someone helping out with this step.

  5. Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 5, image 1 of 2 Sony ICF-C1T Volume Dial Replacement: step 5, image 2 of 2
    • Remove the volume dial by pulling it off the motherboard. This can take a little force to remove.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

One Comment

thanks for the great instructions. a few notes: it seems the “edit” comments were all left in above (“no edits necessary” and the stuff about highlighting parts of it). after step 3, there wasn’t instructions about removing the two screws from the motherboard, before step 4.

J Kwan - Reply

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