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Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement

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  1. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement, Upper Case: step 1, image 1 of 1

    In the United States the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975 is a Federal Law that states that stickers and clauses are illegal. It says you can open your electronics without voiding the warranty, regardless of what language of that warranty says.

    Dustin D'Amour - Reply

    Stickers are illegal!?

    Brandon -

    For anyone concerned, if you apply heat with a blow dryer or heat gun you can carefully remove the sticker without damaging it, making it impossible to know that the sticker was ever removed.

    Kelton Stewart - Reply

    All the immature comments aside, thank you Dustin for sharing the information.

    Wade - Reply

    xbox를 열기 위해서 이러한 위조방지 테이프를 자르거나 떼어내야 합니다. 하지만 걱정 마세요. 여러분이 무언가 직접적으로 망가트리지 않는한 ms는 보증을 취소하지 않습니다.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

  2. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 2, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 2, image 2 of 2
    • Use a plastic opening tool to pry up and remove the plastic vent that surrounds the side USB port.

    • The vent is fairly flexible, and held in place with weak plastic clips—start prying from the back and peel it out.

    - 플라스틱 오프닝 도구를 애용해서 측면 usb 포트를 둘러싼 통풍구를 들어올려 분리하세요.

    - 이 통풍구는 무척 유연하며 연약한 플라스틱 클립으로 고정되어 있습니다. 뒤쪽에서부터 들어올려 분리하고 떼어냅니다.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

  3. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 3, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 3, image 2 of 2
    • There is a small plastic tab that reinforces the front corner of the Xbox.

    • Slide the tab straight back and remove it.

    Do u sell that plastic tag I need it

    Brandon - Reply

    Here is What's Stated in Step-3 : (There is a small plastic tab that reinforces the front corner of the Xbox.) Actually, the "Tab" is NOT SMALL at all. See the Picture: The "TAB" is the Piece that this Person has their Thumb on, is the Tab that you NEED TO SLIDE TOWARDS THE "REAR" of the Unit. You will be able to tell How this Large Tab Holds the Top and the Bottom Case Covers together. Take Note how to Replace this tab back where it Belongs, when you are putting the Case Covers back together. Hope that this comment will help you. 6-29-2017

    B.L. Spence - Reply

    - xbox의 전면 모서리를 지지하는 작은 플라스틱 탭이 있습니다.

    - 뒤쪽으로 똑바로 밀어서 제거하세요.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

    What is this small tab referred to as?

    What is it called i need to order one.

    James Lipsey - Reply

  4. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 4, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 4, image 2 of 2
    • Insert the flat end of a spudger between the upper and lower case where they meet at the rear of the side vent opening.

    • There is a strong plastic clip connecting the two case halves (the first of many), so you'll need to use quite a bit of force.

    • Leave the spudger in place until you open the case completely. The clips are very springy and may cause the case to snap shut while you're working.

    prying does not work. my spudger is causing damage. my soft. plastic. spudger. and the %#*@ thing does not move. this is a common issue with the instructions on this site. you write instructions like you assume people have extensive repair experience. describe the plastic tab. add detail. because simply prying WILL damage the case. hire a %#*@ writer. cause you guys do not know how to precisely convey important detail. constant problem with tech companies actually. no writers.

    Kevin Michaels - Reply

    - 벗겨낸 통풍구쪽부터 상판과 하판 사이의 틈으로 spudger의 평평한 끝을 밀어넣습니다.

    - 플라스틱 클립들이 꽤 강하기 때문에 생각보다 강한 힘을 사용해야 합니다.

    - 케이스를 완전히 열 때까지 spudger를 계속 끼워두세요. 클립이 강해서 작업도중 다시 닫힐 수도 있습니다.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

    it would be very very nice that the part, that you sell, will Fix. This an ols Tutorial. The new opening tools that you sell, will not help anything, cause there is no flat sign on the side. you link these tools at this tutorial, but never tested, if the new tools work. so i tell this you, no they dont fit. Thanks for nothing.

    Zeroslammer - Reply

    I ve made it this far with only a Lego membership card and a flimsier amusement park card (I'm a big year old)

    Shadow Killz - Reply

    I had to use a 1/32nd flathead screw driver. In the corner to get it started push the top joint of the case down and up will simultaneously pulling up and down to seperate the seam. You will need a 3rd hand to insert the 1/32nd flathead and pry up to get the case started.

    I had a virgin never opened xbox day one og so that might be why I had to do it this way.

    KSI AZZAZLE - Reply

    even the wikihow instructions are better

    Ethan Banks - Reply

    It’s easier if you push the top empty area part of the plastic with your finger, and stick the spudger about 3/4” (2 cm) away from the back of the xbox and start prying. You have to do this because that is the only spot where there are no clips in the way. If you do any less or more distance, the clips are in the way, and you’ll never be able to pry open the Xbox because the tool can’t get in.

    Saul Torres - Reply

    A youtube video I found explains this step better. You are meant to pull up on one half and push down on the other, this separates the two halves. Then use a spudger on the rear of the console to separate the clip right under the warranty sticker, then move down the back of the console to the other clips

    Zachary Avery - Reply

    I found it easier to pull apart the pieces from the seam, pull the left side (the side on the upper half of the Xbox) down, while pulling the right side up (The side on the lower half of the xbox).

    Satyr - Reply

  5. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 5, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 5, image 2 of 2
    • The interface between the upper and lower cases is secured by several clips along the rear and remaining side of the Xbox.

    • Insert a plastic opening tool between the upper and lower case to separate the clip over the rear vent.

    - 상판과 하판 사이에 끼인 후면 단자판은 여러개의 클립으로 고정되어 있습니다.

    - 플라스틱 오프닝 도구로 후면 통풍구의 클립들을 분리하세요.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

  6. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 6, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 6, image 2 of 2
    • Keep moving along the rear of the Xbox, prying up clips.

    • Make sure the spudger stays in its blocking position—even if the case opens up enough for the spudger to fall out, the remaining clips are springy and may pull the case completely shut. Keep the spudger in the gap to protect your progress.

    - 후면을 따라서 계속 클립을 들어서 분리하세요.

    - spudger가 제대로 꽂혀 있는지 중간중간 확인하세요. spudger가 빠질정도로 케이스가 분리 되더라도 남은 클립들이 매우 탄력적이라서 방심하면 도로 닫히기 십상입니다. 원활한 진행을 위해 spudger가 잘 꽂혀서 사이를 벌리도록 유지하세요.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

  7. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 7, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 7, image 2 of 2
    • Keep popping clips. It may help to slide the plastic opening tool across the clips.

    • By the time you get to the far edge of the rear case, the top case should be ready to come off. If not, run your plastic opening tool around the corner and pop the clips along the side without the USB port.

    - 클립들을 계속해서 분리합니다. 클립들을 가로질러 플라스틱 오프닝 도구를 주욱 미는 것이 도움이 될수도 있습니다.

    - 후방 케이스를 따라 분리하면 상판이 열릴 기미가 보여야 합니다. 만약 열릴 기미가 보이지 않는다면 모서리부터 플라스틱 오프닝 도구로 분리를 시작하고 usb포트가 없는 쪽을 따라서 클립 분리를 다시 시도하세요.

    승대/SeungDae 정/Jeong - Reply

  8. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 8, image 1 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 8, image 2 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 8, image 3 of 3
    • Starting with the spudger you left in the crack, pry the upper case up to free the last few clips.

    • Use a plastic opening tool to pop any straggler clips that weren't freed.

    • Do not try to remove the upper case yet, as it is still connected by the front panel button cable.

    • Lift the upper case slightly and shift it to give access to the front panel board.

    I got confused here. I couldn’t unclip the front panel at all. I found out that if I open the case like a clamshell (or a book, with the front being the spine of the book) I popped right off easily.

    Omar Ramos - Reply

    Yeah, I saw your comment afterwards but this is exactly what I ended up doing as well. just a note for anyone reading this be careful of the flex cable as it does seem to put a questionable amount of strain on it when you open it in this manner.

    Graham Holt -

    "Lift the upper case slightly and shift it" isn't descriptive enough for this step. Also, pictures of actually getting the front panel loose would be really helpful.

    John Poyhonen - Reply

    I tried fixing my Xbox one faceplate because for some reason, and when I took it off my cable stopped working. Even after repair so now I either use a disc to turn it on or my controller.

    DiceMman - Reply

  9. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 9, image 1 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 9, image 2 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 9, image 3 of 3
    Tool used on this step:
    • The front button cable has a unique ZIF connector—pay attention to the next few steps to safely disconnect it.

    • Use tweezers to lift the blue plastic retaining loop over the white connector on the board.

    • Use the tip of a spudger to push the connector's locking tab toward the cable to unlatch it.

    I recently took my Xbox one apart to clean it and for some reason it's on for a couple minutes then it cuts off

    Ali - Reply

    Or anyone else who has this problem or reads this on this thread, which is not the correct thread for this question by the way, here is a link to the forum for that. It could be any of a number of issues including overheating, Portland elation, or infestation, among others.

    Xbox One turns on then turns off after a few minutes

    Rooster Blue - Reply

    Is there somewhere that I can buy a replacement zif connector

    Black Light - Reply

  10. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 10, image 1 of 2 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 10, image 2 of 2
    • Use tweezers to pull the cable straight out of the connector on the board.

    • Remove the upper case.

    I broke that peice that white connector peice what can I do?

    devinthomason - Reply

  11. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement, Reassembly Instructions: step 11, image 1 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement, Reassembly Instructions: step 11, image 2 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement, Reassembly Instructions: step 11, image 3 of 3
    • The next 4 steps are directions for reassembly. Skip them to continue with disassembly.

    • Use the flat end of a spudger to free the clips securing the front panel to the upper case.

    • Remove the front panel from the rest of the upper case.

  12. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 12, image 1 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 12, image 2 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 12, image 3 of 3
    • Replace the top part of the upper case.

    • Line up the clips and press firmly to re-seat them around the perimeter.

  13. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 13, image 1 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 13, image 2 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 13, image 3 of 3
    • Support the front panel near the front of the Xbox.

    • Use tweezers to replace the front button cable in its ZIF socket.

    • Use the flat end of a spudger to push the ZIF lock to the left to secure the cable.

    My Xbox stopped working after this thanks

    nathan jackson - Reply

    Mine did as well, its possible it may be the same reason. For me I had to unplug and plug it back in a few times and then clean off the contacts with isopropyl alcohol. Seems simple but if you haven’t already, I would try it.

    Alex Pascone -

  14. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 14, image 1 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 14, image 2 of 3 Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 14, image 3 of 3
    • The lower edge of the front panel has plastic hooks that interlock with plastic hooks on the front edge of the lower case.

    • With the front panel at a 45 degree angle, interlock its plastic hooks with those in the lower case.

    • Push the top of the front panel into the Xbox, like closing a mailbox. Press firmly so that the clips securing the front panel to the upper case lock securely.

    Thanks, chief - you saved my leisure time tonight

    Jordan Hunt - Reply

  15. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement, Wi-Fi Board: step 15, image 1 of 1
    • Remove the two 9.5 mm T9 Torx screws from the WI-Fi board.

  16. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 16, image 1 of 1
    • Use the flat end of a spudger to disconnect the Wi-Fi antenna cable from its socket on the Wi-Fi board.

    does anyone know how to soder the wire for the wifi board

    Cameron Harvey - Reply

  17. Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement: step 17, image 1 of 1
    • Lift straight up on the W-Fi board to disconnect it from its connector and remove it from the Xbox.

    My cable snapped what do I do

    Gavin - Reply


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

68 other people completed this guide.

Andrew Optimus Goldheart

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I think I'm going to try this. This would fix my: "I think there's a problem" error not being able scan for wifi, Id safely assume.

Stephen Erickson - Reply

On top of that when I factory reset the box it gives me the error right away not even letting me bypass wireless connection and straight to hardwire.

Stephen Erickson -

Same here. Factory reset and made the system obsolete. Did you end up replacing the card and did it work?

Lightning Shaft -


Did you managed to fix WiFi error with this method?

iminem - Reply

has anyone figured this out?

Nicholas Everett -

$15 for a new card and 10 minutes for the swap. Fixed my "permanently wired internet connection" (even with nothing plugged in) problem 100%!

Seth Schoenhardt -

Super easy and 100% effective wifi problem fix. $15 and 10 minutes. Hella cheaper and faster than the $120 service repair offered by Xbox.

Seth Schoenhardt -

I wonder if adding internal wireless antenna to com1 and com3 help with wifi signal?

therealhellcat - Reply

how can we get rid of this hardware problem message?

Nicholas Everett - Reply

Has anyone figured this problem out i switch the wifi drive and still getting "hardware issues" not letting me connect to wifi either it says security protocol but i checked it everything else connects fine even xbox360 now im stuck i did the factory reset and in stuck on the connection

Jess - Reply

Have you figured out your issue yet? I have had the exact same thing happen and dont wanna spend 30 bucks on a board if it isnt going to help

Jaeden Pohl -


Did the remote works if we remove the Wi-Fi Board?

Thanks you,

Maxime Bordeleau - Reply

For those of you getting the "something is wrong with the network hardware" error, I tried this method and it did not fix it.

Angelo Lucciola - Reply

Did you replace the actual wifi board Angelo?

Can anyone confirm this part fixed their Xbox one console?

Mj Tyler -

This module definitly is for the controller connection, the bluetooth and the WiFi.

The cable only connects to the WiFi antenna at the front panel, for much better WiFi signal.

In my case, my controllers disconnect at 100% at some distance, but also randomly disconnect at short range. So my idea is to attach some antennas, instead of replacing the still working WiFi module.

Can anyone tell me if that is going to work?

Matze Schobi - Reply

I think your board will probably end up failing eventually if you are having disconnect problems even at close range. If it does I can confirm that replacing this board seemed to work for me.

bloomwrestler29 -

My controllers do not connect with my xbox, does anyone know how i can find out if i need to replace the whole wifi card or only the cable?

Filipe - Reply

Hi does anyone know what CON3 and CON1 are on this board?

Jeff - Reply

My controllers were constantly disconnecting and reconnecting. It got to the point where they wouldn't reconnect and would no longer turn on the console. I followed this guide exactly, took about 25mins and I am no tech genius. My controllers now turn on the console. I haven't done any gaming with them but I will update my comment if they start to fail. I do expect them to fail again someday as I just bought a WiFi board that was pulled from a demolished unit. I found it for $23.95 Amazon but it does look considerably used on arrival. The ones they sell on Ifixit might be new, not sure. Hope this helps!

bloomwrestler29 - Reply

Any update on whether this worked for your problem?

Ryun Konze -

The board worked for a few months but I am having troubles again. It seems like the Xbox overheats and melts some solder. I am curious if the xbox one slim board can be used its place. It's a bluetooth board, so that might be a problem.

Mitchell Bloom -

I'm trying to add a better wifi card to increase the megs a second download rate I have 300meg internet but my Xbox doesn't go past 100 will this fix that issue

anthony_p_franklin - Reply

Changed the card as my controllers were not syncing with the console, everything was fine for about 8 hours now controllers wont sync anymore with new card.

Must be something causing this to break deeper.

Bobhoskins - Reply

Bobhoskins - I Haved the same problem, changed the card and the problem return some days later

Andre Calhau - Reply

im thinking in use te wireless dongle of microsoft

Andre Calhau - Reply

Problem Solved, the problem are in the cabele between de mother board and the wireless card

Andre Calhau - Reply

so you replaced the cable and board? and it worked? or did you re connect the cable to a better position and replace the board? i have wifi board on the way from ebay i hope this fixes my problem. i factory reset and cannot bypass the initial setup

Pointofsid Tetris - Reply

did replacing the board fix it? I’m stuck after a hard reset… I can ping when i plug in a hard wire, but the xbrick won’t let me get past the reboot config without wireless…

Logan Versele -

Can someone say if they have resolved the hardware problem and what they actually did to do this??

kez_lfc1892 - Reply

Does the MAC address of the XBOX One change when the NIC is replaced? Additionally, are the wireless and wired both controlled by this device?

forensic - Reply

I have the same error 'hardware problem' I did a factory reset and now can't get passed network setup. This problem arose after took the Xbox apart to swap the hard drive which I never ended up doing because I had the wrong replacement hard drive. I did disconnect the hard drive in the Xbox one and reconnect it. Also disconnected the wifi board. I reconnected everything as it should be. Turned the Xbox one on and let the kids play their game offline for awhile. Then I went to play battlefield 1, online of course. And nope. Did all the common troubleshooting tips for network problems and that's when I got the dreaded hardware problem error. I've already bought a new Xbox one but I'd still like to fix this Day One Edition Xbox One. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

Colin - Reply

you have to buy a new wifi board on ebay for like $10 and plug it in instead of the old one

RPGeniu5 -

For everyone asking if this worked yes it does all you have to do is follow the steps and put in the new WiFi board you can buy off eBay or Amazon, i just did it and everything works fine, as i write this my Xbox is downloading an update.

RPGeniu5 - Reply

Can anyone confirm if this can ADD Bluetooth functionality to first generation (non-S) models?

ryank401 - Reply

Will this fix my problem with my WiFi/Ethernet not being able to connect and say theres a Hardware issue?

Dont Lack - Reply

Awesome, got the board on its way so will be doing the swap soon as it arrives. :) %#*@ annoying having the controllers drop out every 30s :D

XPD - Reply

Perfect, I ordered the replacement board from a seller on Ebay, arrived 2 months later, installed it last night with the assistance of my 10 year daughter :) We now have working controllers again that dont disconnect every 10s :D

XPD - Reply

Took 20 minutes to replace!! Very easy process. Thanks for the great instructions.

Mark Masarik - Reply

Worked like a charm had an xbox where no wireless controllers worked unless you were an inch away. Swapped the wifi board and it worked perfectly.

gainesparker - Reply

Hi, following this tutorial i’ve replaced the board on my xbox with one purchased from Ebay, problem is the xbox still will not connect to wifi network, and the controllers will not connect wirelessly to the console.

Does this mean the replacement board I have received is faulty? Or is it possible their is another fault in the xbox? 'I’d rather not buy another board unnecessarily!

bobmat34 - Reply

Is there an article like this for the one x?

Dave Davis - Reply

I was having problems with the controllers and WiFi disconnecting (every 5mins or so), sometimes it would happen to them both at the same time, sometimes just the controllers. I replaced the WiFi card with a replacement (used) unit from eBay. The problem was instantly solved and worked flawlessly for 1 month. However the problem returned out of the blue and was even worse than before! I thought maybe the replacement card had failed. However on a whim I just decided to tear down the entire console and look for loose wires etc. I didn’t find any but I disconnected the wifi card bridge cable (cable between card and main board) and reconnected it then put everything back together again. It’s now been working flawlessly for 1 day so far. I’m not exactly sure what fixed it or if it will remain fixed, I suppose it’s possible during the first replacement something wasn’t securely seated and came loose after 1 month. I also wonder if simply unplugging/replugging the card does something that fixes it for short while?

Shane Murphy - Reply

my xbox wont show any wifi available and when i go to add the SSID it says my security protocol won't work...ive tried holding the xbox button for 10-15 seconds, factory resetting it still nothing. then when i go to clear my MAC address and it wont let me

Joel - Reply

Having the same issue here Joel. have replaced the board and the controller works fine but the WIFI is still not connecting. Have you managed to fix this?

Evan O'Connor -

This worked great!

frostyeod - Reply

Hey, is this the same board that connects the controller to the console? Our controller keeps disconnecting, have tried firmware, turning off Bluetooth devices, turning off 2.4GHZ on the router, but still persists. Assume it's an issue with the console now!

Thx, Carl

C Medlin - Reply

this is old, but does this chip also control syncing capabilities?

Völksinhalt WT - Reply

How do yo put it back on

Steven. Briddick - Reply

My Xbox kicks me out of games and won’t let me use Wi-Fi at all usually I’ve already replaced the Wi-Fi chip a couple months ago should I replace all Wi-Fi connectors including the chip

Abby Simerly - Reply

Took me about 45 minutes to pull open my original Xbox One and replace this board and antenna following a guide. It was fiddly but not at all hard.

Both of my controllers were disconnecting frequently (every 3-10 minutes) and this resolved the problem right away. Nice!

Thanks so much for the write-up.

Mike da Simian - Reply

You are very professional. Thank you very much

Thamer Fahad - Reply

Just ordered the replacement wifi module from ebay uk as everywhere else is out of stock. I will keep you updated when I've received the replacement ;) Fingers crossed.

t1cybernetic - Reply

Will replacing this will fix controller de syncing issue?

Ali Kazimi - Reply

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