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Como aplicar metal líquido en una PlayStation 5

Notice: You are editing a prerequisite guide. Any changes you make will affect all 2 guides that include this step.


Translating step 1

Step 1
How to Apply Liquid Metal in a PlayStation 5, Remove the old liquid metal from the heatsink: step 0, image 1 of 3 How to Apply Liquid Metal in a PlayStation 5, Remove the old liquid metal from the heatsink: step 0, image 2 of 3 How to Apply Liquid Metal in a PlayStation 5, Remove the old liquid metal from the heatsink: step 0, image 3 of 3
Remove the old liquid metal from the heatsink
  • Wear gloves to protect your skin from the liquid metal.

  • If you have a disposable syringe, you can use it to suck up any large pools of liquid metal. Don't use the syringe containing your new liquid metal.

  • Starting with the heatsink: apply a few drops of highly-concentrated (greater than 90%) isopropyl alcohol to a cotton swab and carefully clean up all of the liquid metal from the heatsink surface.

  • Removing the liquid metal can be tricky—it spreads and smears easily. Switch to new cotton swabs and apply more alcohol as necessary.

  • Use the same cleaning process to thoroughly clean up all of the liquid metal residue.

  • The surface needs to be completely clean for the new liquid metal to work properly.

  • Let the heatsink dry completely.

Lleva guantes para proteger tu piel de la pasta térmica.

Si tiene una jeringa desechable, puede usarla para absorber una gran cantidad de pasta térmica. No use la jeringa que contiene su nueva pasta térmica.

Empezando por el disipador: aplique algunas gotas de alcohol isopropílico de alto grado (superior a un 90% de alcohol) en un hisopo y cuidadosamente limpie todo la pasta termica de la superficie de disipación.

Retirar la pasta térmica puede ser engorroso - se derrama y se extiende con facilidad. Cambia a un nuevo hisopo de algodón y aplica más alcohol si es necesario.

Usa la misma técnica de limpieza para retirar correctamente todos los residuos de pasta térmica.

La superficie requiere estar completamente limpia para aplicar correctamente la nueva pasta termica.

Espera que la superficie de disipación se seque completamente.

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