We spend a lot of time criticizing Apple for their anti-consumer practices like monopolizing its repair ecosystem with parts pairing, engaging in psychological obsolescence, and lying to congress—among many examples of poor corporate behavior—but here’s one thing they’re finally doing that shows a lot of promise— the Self Service Repair program.
With the release of the nominal upgrade that is the M2 Pro SoC inside the 14” MacBook Pro, we dug a little deeper with repairability in mind and with one of the gems of the Self Service Repair program in hand: the service manual for the M1 MacBooks. We asked ourselves, “can we follow the old M1 repair manual for the new M2 Pro MacBooks?”
Spoiler alert: Yes. Yes we can.
Tried and True, or Old and Busted?
Being able to follow the prior generation’s manual is neither surprising, nor a bad thing. Okay, yes, “refreshing” the physical design of a product does artificially increase consumption—there’s a century of marketing research that agrees. But there are cost saving benefits to maintaining the same manufacturing processes, too, as most famously shown by Henry Ford with the Model T.
Aside from working out any kinks in a product, maintaining the same production methods reduces retooling overhead, and some of those savings get passed down to consumers. It also helps the would-be repairer by retaining a familiar design and expanding the pool of available parts. Not only is the OEM producing more of the same part, there’s more time and incentive for third-party manufacturers to make parts, too. Oh and minimal-to-no retooling of factories means reduced waste and turnaround time. That’s a lot of wins.
The M1 MacBook Pro’s and the M2 MacBook Pro’s share similar manufacturing processes. This means more profit for Apple, lower costs for consumers, and most importantly for us, the ability to use the same repair manual nearly 2 years down the line.

My general impressions of the repair manual were positive. While convoluted and intimidating at first due to the length of the document (162 pages!) and the sheer number of warnings, the internal logic to make sense as I learned the layout of the manual and understood the methodology. Apple’s repair manual does set you up for success—provided you have the patience and time to carefully follow the instructions contained therein.
Spot the Difference: M2 MacBook Pro Changes
As for the M2 notebook itself, there are of course some changes but those changes are restricted to the Logic Board. The most interesting of which is the apparently reduced size of the heatsink on the M2 Pro SoC. This prompted a bit of investigation since we would have expected the M2 Pro to have a similar if not larger heatsink compared to the M1.
With the SoC deshielded, the reason for the size disparity is immediately apparent. The M1 Pro has an 8GB Samsung LPDDR5 RAM module on either side of the core while the M2 Pro has two SK Hynix 4GB LPDDR5 RAM modules on either side of the core—a total of four. These are the very same RAM modules we found in the M2 MacBook Air.
Could Apple’s Supply Constraints be Shrinking RAM?
So the SoC’s are of comparable size, they’re just arranged differently. But why is Apple using four RAM modules this time around instead of two larger ones? I posed this question to Dylan Patel, Chief Analyst at SemiAnalysis, who said “ABF substrates were in very short supply when Apple made the design choice. By using four smaller modules rather than two larger ones, they can decrease routing complexity within the substrate from the memory to the SoC, leading to fewer layers on the substrate. This allows them to stretch the limited substrate supply further.”

And the supply woes don’t stop there. While Apple is busy splitting the RAM modules down into smaller packages, they’re moving in the opposite direction with the NAND modules, going from four smaller 128GB modules on the 14″ M1 MacBook Pro up to two larger 256GB modules on the 14″ M2 MacBook Pro. We saw a similar move on the base model of the M2 MacBook Air which saw a significant drop in read/write performance and we’re reportedly seeing the same again with the base model of the 14″ M2 MacBook Pro. Only the base models suffer from this 20-40% performance hit.
What gives? According to Patel, the reason for this is simply because the smaller 128GB modules are becoming harder to come by and more expensive to purchase as the smaller dies are phased out and the industry moves towards ever larger NAND die densities. Which raises the question, why is Apple even bothering with a 512GB version?

Overall, the teardown provided us with some very interesting insight into the Apple way of performing repairs.
Apple’s Self Repair Still Has a Big “But”
There is of course the elephant in the room: parts pairing. As it stands, despite the increasingly repairable designs, the software locks that Apple maintains will result in waste as otherwise-useful components end up in landfills instead of being repurposed. The useful life of our devices will also be limited to Apple’s hardware support—whatever they decide that may be. Once support is dropped for a device, those software locks will remain in place which means even if a third-party manufacturer is willing to step in with replacement parts, those parts may be restricted in functionality.
It took us 20 years to get these manuals but momentum is building fast. We’ll continue to fight for our right to repair our stuff and that means tackling parts pairing head on, whether that’s in a phone, laptop, or tractor.
You guys always do a great job for us. Thank you - Big Time
Warren Fitch - Reply
Any chance of getting full shots of the logic board for component identification purposes? In particular, I was wondering about the DisplayPort to HDMI 2.1 protocol converter chips...
repoman27 - Reply
Absolutely, chip ID will follow soon.
Shahram Mokhtari -
Do the 1TB models use two 512GB chips, or a single 1TB chip? Does the 2TB model use four 512GB chips or two 1 TB chips?
Robbed Developer - Reply
The ball pitch for the NAND packages has changed significantly between generations, going from 110 total pads to 315. There are likely internal changes beyond simply moving to higher density NAND dies, so just looking at the number of packages may not tell the whole story as far as performance is concerned.
For anyone with access to an Apple Silicon Mac, you don't need to tear down the machine to find out how many NAND packages / dies are present in the SSD. You can get fairly extensive information about the SSD architecture using the ioreg tool from Terminal:
ioreg -lrw0 -d1 -c AppleANS3NVMeController
The "Controller Characteristics" key contains several properties of interest. "dies-per-bus" shows the number of channels and how many NAND dies are connected to each one, and "bus-to-msp" shows the number of memory signal processors (MSPs) and which channels are connected to each one. Historically, each NAND package contains a single MSP, so the number of MSPs is also the number of NAND packages.
repoman27 - Reply
It seems that Apple has also followed the same methodology with the M2 Mac mini as well. The whole disassembly process is the same as the M1, and even uses most of the same parts.
Jacob Mehnert - Reply
I wonder if iFixit is able to provide a better heat sink on the M2 MacBook Pros? Similar to the one on the M1s. Seems thermal throttling is a palpable issue impacting performance (and fan noise) on the new M2 MacBook Pros. (?)
R2 DHue - Reply
Can we turn off a bit of the hubris please? Bing “underwhelmed” by the “nominal” increase in performance of 20% in 12 months is something we, using Apple products in the Intel years could never get. How about giving credit where it is due, and your articles would be better for it.
Spinner Monk - Reply
I will Never again purchase an Apple laptop after getting screwed with their defective keyboard issue. But Thanks for this video & keep up the work on right to repair.
Jeff Hudson - Reply
What about a rebairability score? I'm slowly looking into replacing my trusty Mid-2012 13" MBP (max specs at the time), but the incredibly expensive and un-repairable recent Apple designs is pushing me toward a Windows PC, most likely Lenovo. Got my Mac ten years ago a hair above $2.5K with max RAM and SSD and Apple Care. A similarly maxed-out MBP would run me over $5K today :(
cubytus - Reply
Design-wise it’s all but identical to the prior-gen MacBook Pro which netted a 4/10 at the time of release, and would currently notch a 5+ now that Apple released a full repair manual and has made a good selection of replacement parts available.
Parts and service manuals are not yet available for the M2 models, but I expect we’ll see those within 6 months or so.
All that said, these are not as repairable or upgradeable as the best modern Windows laptops. Storage, RAM, etc are tightly integrated and can’t be replaced or upgraded. We’re also seeing reports of glitchy display performance after a swap/repair outside of Apple’s “authorized” repair channels and we’re in the process of investigating that.
TL;DR: these are the most repairable Mac laptops in quite a few years—but they’re not industry-leading by any stretch, and since DIY upgrades are essentially impossible you’ll have to pay the Apple tax for any future-proofing you desire up front.
Amber Taus -
Could fewer, larger NAND chips be being used in 4TB and 8TB models of Mac?
Could one 8TB customer get 4x 2TB NAND spaces populated, another customer get 2x 4TB chips populated leaving two spaces empty? Could e.g. USA models get different NAND make to UK customers?
Could initial units ship with one make of NAND and then have the NAND change the make/spec a short while later?
I'd like to see more transparency at purchase or, at the very least, on receipt of purchase. e.g. 4TB SSD = 2x 2TB NAND modules or 4x 1TB NAND modules. A label with an ingredients list on the box or a QR code to see the make and place of manufacture would be helpful. Save customers and staff guessing at issues - e.g. Mac Studio M1Ultra units that whine all have the same PSU.
FSS - Reply
Apple needs to update their decade old pricing structure. It's gone from being a bad joke to borderline unethical. It's no secret how much this stuff actually costs them vs what they do to the customer. Their supplier stopped making 128gb surface mount chips in their latest revision. Now apple could make 512gb the new minimum spec and call it a day, but no it's easier to just screw the customer by removing a nand module. Weird they never seem to mention this awesome feature during keynotes. No it's just easier to run made up bench mark graphs. If they do use a real number its always against the 10th get intel, like that's supposed to be a feat.
Steven P - Reply
Does the 14” M1 Pro use the same screen and fitting as the m2?
Timmy949 - Reply
There was no guide on this mac even though its not here
Luc Sun - Reply
Somewhere on the MacBook Pro M1's motherboard near the Apple M1 Pro and M2 Pro SoC there was a slot that looked like a slot for one of Apple's proprietary SSDs (more like flash modules, the controller is likely on the SoC) similar to those on the Mac Pro and the Mac Studio. Makes me wonder if there was actually an SSD there on higher storage configs. Here is the image and its positions.
Right to Repair for the win! - Reply
If you need a mac just buy the mini.
Christopher Keates - Reply