DJI Phantom 4 Pro Remote Controller with Built-In Screen Upper ShellReplace a plastic upper case with antennas, buttons, dials, and speaker installed. Part #CP.PT.S00095.Sale price $23.99View
DJI Phantom 4 Pro Remote Controller Upper ShellReplace a damaged plastic upper case half for your DJI Phantom 4 Pro Remote Controller. The upper shell includes the antennas, power button, return home button, camera settings dial, shutter button, video recording button, and the gimbal dial. PartSale price $48.99View
DJI Mavic Remote Controller 5D ButtonReplace a missing or damaged button face for the 5D button on a DJI Mavic Remote Controller. Part number YC.SJ.D00190.01Sale price $3.99View
DJI Mavic Remote Controller Bottom Cover AssemblyReplace a damaged plastic lower case for your DJI Mavic Remote Controller including the vent fan, vibration motor, antennas, and the camera and record external button covers. Part number CP.PT.S00062Sale price $21.99View
DJI Mavic Remote Controller Button BoardReplace the circuit board with the internal switches for the buttons on a DJI Mavic Remote Controller. Part number CP.PT.S00058Sale price $11.99View
DJI Phantom 4 Advanced Remote Controller Upper ShellReplace a damaged plastic upper case half for your DJI Phantom 4 Advanced Remote Controller. The upper shell includes the antennas, power button, return home button, camera settings dial, shutter button, video recording button, and the gimbal dialSale price $59.99View