If your Xbox One shows no signs of life, try the following solutions (roughly in order from easiest to hardest). If your Xbox briefly turns on but then shuts itself off without warning, see the Xbox One Turns Itself Off wiki instead.



Check to make sure that the power supply is plugged into a power outlet, and that the other end is properly plugged into the Xbox One.


If the ‘Xbox’ light on the front of the console is lit, it won't start up unless it detects a working display. Check your HDMI cable connection. Try switching cables or ports on your TV.


If your Xbox still doesn’t turn on, try plugging directly into a different power outlet, and not through a surge protector.


Because the console has a built-in surge protector, you should not connect it to an external surge protector. If you connect the console to another surge protector, the console cannot reach the full power needed for optimal performance.

To reset the internal power supply, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the power cord from the console.
  2. Wait 10 seconds.
  3. Plug the cord back into the console, and then press the Xbox button on the front of the console.

If the console turns on, the internal power reset worked. Repeat this step in the future if the problem happens again.


If the power outlet is providing power but the console still does not turn on, the power supply itself may be the issue. Check the light on the power supply; if the light is solid white or orange, then the power supply is working properly. If there is no light, unplug the power supply and let it cool for 20 minutes, then try plugging it back in. If it still does not light up, replace the power supply.


If you observe any visible damage, such as burns or components that appear to be physically damaged, the affected board likely needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, you will need to replace both the Motherboard and the Disk Drive, as the two are paired components.

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