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The mux/switch supports PCI3 Gen4 does not necessarily mean the platform is using PCIe Gen4.
What’s more, Intel CPUs currently does not support PCIe Gen4 at all.
We don’t because we don’t have a dual socket model.
If you compare the 11-inch to the 10.5 inch last year, the wifi model is actually lighter.
This also applies to the 12.9 vs 12.9
So those magnets did not make the tablet heavier. If you are comparing the 12.9 inch this year with 10.5 inch last year, of cause it is heavier
This firstly comes from Xcode which implies that there is a new iDevice with 6GB RAM, and it is very likely to be the new iPad Pro, as none of those iPhones get 6GB RAM.
GeekBench indicates that there are 4 models of iPad Pros has 6GB Memory: iPad8,2,iPad8,4,iPad8,6 and iPad8,8.
All of those models have “x“ in the Mother Board model name, and those names somehow connect from each other, for example: “J317xAP“ for iPad8,2; “J318xAP“ for iPad8,4; etc, and iPad8,8 got “J321xAP”.
In contrast, the ones with 4GB RAM do not have “x” in their Motherboard name. For example, iPad8,7 got “J321AP“, indicates that model is similar to iPad8,8, but the latter is an “enhanced x“ version.
The space is reserved for Display cable/PCB. You can refer to the X-Ray photos and the screen assembly
If you look at the XRay photo and the screen assembly, you will find that these space are reserved for display cables.
There were 3GB LPDDR4 RAM chip offered by Samsung and were used in the iPhone 8 Plus. Not sure if it will be the case of the iPad Pro, but 3GB RAM did exist.
As I noticed the ram is installed on chip, it is unlikely there will be enough space for a third one
It said that there is 4GB in total
The sad story is, even the most expensive mac nowadays is not designed to have space to accommodate the 2.5 inch form-factor ssd.
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