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Yeah, they stopped giving away the replacement caps for free quite a while ago. I should update the guide to reflect that new information.
I’ve seen posts on some Facebook groups I manage that confirm 8BitDo still sends them out for free, even for their newer models (Pro+, Pro 2).
How you DIY’d yours is interesting. That makes me wonder how other thumbstick replacements (Wii, Gamecube, Dualshock, etc.) will fit.
I haven’t tried it myself, but from what I’ve seen, you may need to desolder the metal casing to get to the stick itself. If 8BitDo did send replacements, I would assume they’d send a whole assembly (both sticks + the board they’re soldered to). Please let us know if they get back to you; i’m very much curious. Thanks!
Thanks for the comment! Yes, you can get away with not removing the battery, but you’ll need to be extra careful with that ribbon. I just didn’t want to introduce that risk of accidentally tugging (and potentially damaging) the ribbon, especially since it’s not in plain view unless the battery is removed.
I tried the rubberband method on a semi-stripped tri-wing screw, not expecting much. Wha’dya know, that did it!
The exact thing happened to me just now; I reinserted it at a (very slight) angle, and bent one of the pins at the end of the socket. Luckily, I was able to straighten it back up with a sewing needle. I made sure the spacing was consistent with the rest of the pins, and that I reinserted the connector as straight as I could, so it doesn’t happen again.