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Hello, looks like you almost answered your own question. But if you need to hear it from someone else, no problem. Step by step - Check - charger OK cable OK battery OK internal(inside iPod) battery cable OK on board battery cable connector OK charging port on iPod(clean it with alcohol!) OK last one is main board, power controller on it may fail to Also, here is a iPod Classic repaid guide with pictures - iPod 6th Generation Обновить (17.02.2018): Cant add a picture to comments, so I'll add it here... Looks like it is a replacement battery for your iPod - iPod Classic (Thick) Battery Li-Po 3.7v 850mah To start charging using iMax B6 it need to have 3.5-3.7volts minimum. If it has lower voltage then you need try to charge it directly using 5V PSU until it get 3.7-3.8V then use iPod to charge it or, better, charge it with any li-po(li-ion) charger to 30% minimum(or about 3.9V) Then try if it start charging in your iPod. If iPod powers up when you connect charger, better turnt it off and live it for charging...
Read moreHello, DFU & iTunes will not works if battery is empty at all! So, looks like you need to charge battery first. If battery is empty at all then better use original(sometimes MFI may works) Lightning cable with original Apple charger for your device, or connect it to Mac USB port and wait! Wait for few hours minimum to 24h, if device is OK usually it start charging, if it do not show charging icon anyway wait for 24h. If it not powers up anyway, then try iTunes or iTunes&DFU to recovery iOS. If it not helps, then battery may be locked and you need remove it and activate with Battery Activation Tool and charge it with Lab PSU or Smart charger or replace battery if it dead at all. Here is a video how to do that - Or power up logicboard with iphone 7 dedicated power cable to be sure it works correct, cable like this - This cables and battery activation(charging) tool cost few bucks on eBay. If battery OK then problem can be in Lightning connector - try to clean it with alcohol. If not helps then it can be flex...
Read moreHello, it can be software or hardware problem. Use any bootable OS from FlashDrive and try WiFi connection, if it works, then try to update drivers on your original OS. In some cases it may need to reinstall OS. IF it hardware problem - replace WiFi card. Looks like it due to WiFi frequency. Hope driver update will help you! You can find correct drivers for update using original manufacturer(of WiFi card, not laptop) website, or from HP website, maybe OS can update driver correct itself. To get driver from original manufacturer website you need get device ID from system settings of your OS, or remove WiFi card and read it from label. Best regards!
Read moreHello, you can find it here on iFixit, here is full disassembly manual with pictures - iPad 3 4G Teardown Difference between your picture and picture from this manual is only adhesive strip, look - It used for hold flex cables in place, just replace it with any other same size dual-side adhesive strip. Wish you good luck!
Read moreHello, usually it was happened when you use replacement LCD. The difference between original Dell LCD and 100% same replacement generic LCD is EEPROM dump only! So, if you replaced LCD on this computer, then you need unsolder EEPROM from original broken Dell LCD and put it on new replacement LCD. This EEPROM IC located on LCD panel PCB board - it is inside LCD matrix on backside first layer under plastic tape cover. If you do not replace LCD then, maybe content(dump) of this EEPROM is destroyed in some way, then you need dump from same model original Dell LCD panel. Wish you good luck!
Read more1st of all - always disconnect battery connector from logic board(!!!) specially when you installing/replacing HDD flex cable! So, all cables(5pcs or more) which is replaced with battery connected to motherboard and without ground wrist band(also very important!) can be totally dead, or maybe 50X50, now you need to check all this cables on 100% working MacBook to be sure which one is alive. Be sure you have 100% working and tested USB drive, HDD cable & Hard Drive or SSD. Insert it all to your MacBook, push Power button and then push & hold Command until you can see drive options for boot on MacBook screen. Here just choice the drive and click it to boot. If you can choice from this screen your preferred boot drive(USB, SSD, HDD) and it do not boot from this drive but show you Folder logo, then this drive do not have bootable MacOS partition, so, you just need to format this drive, make it bootable and write OS to it. All known problems related to your issue - broken HDD broken SSD broken FlashDrive broken...
Read moreУкажите пожалуйста более точно модель вашего MacBook и желательно фото расположения шлейфа, для конкретного ответа на ваш вопрос. Тут на сайте есть подробные инструкции по A1278 2008 год тут - MacBook Unibody Model A1278 Teardown 2009 тут - MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 2010 - MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 2011 - MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011 MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Late 2011 2012 - MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2012 А тут все по A1278 - Имея разорванный шлейф и фото можно без проблем его восстановить или симитировать проводами, хотя разумнее купить новый, они не такие дорогие, и можно даже найти б/у подешевле. Удачи вам!
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Read moreСкорее всего = unavailable № = unavailable number То есть номер звонящего абонента скрыт. Звонящий вам пользуется услугой "запрет определения номера" В некоторых странах, у некоторых операторов предлагается так же услуга с разными названиями, например "Супер определитель номера", с этой услугой вы можете видеть номера скрытые услугой "запрет определения номера". Всего хорошего!
Read moreДобрый день, вариантов не много. И ответ не однозначный - и можно и нельзя. Материнская плата вашего ноутбука не имеет отдельного разъема для дискретной(отдельной/дополнительной) видеокарты, НО на ней разведена площадка для дискретной видеокарты AMD 216-0833000 Radeon HD 7670 и ее памяти. Это значит что этот ноутбук поставлялся на рынок как с одной(интегрированной) так и с двумя(интегрированная+дискретная) видеокартами. Фото материнской платы DELL inspiron 3521 без дискретной(AMD 216-0833000 Radeon HD 7670) видеокарты - В левом верхнем углу платы видны площадки под чип и память дискретной(AMD 216-0833000 Radeon HD 7670) видеокарты. Предполагаю что у вас именно такая плата/ноутбук. В этом случае можно допаять все чего не хватает(не установил производитель) то есть чип(AMD 216-0833000 Radeon HD 7670) видеокарты и ее память, НО стоить это будет не дешево! Второй вариант проще и быстрее, но тоже не дешевый, купить материнскую плату с изначально установленной дискретной видеокартой и заменить всю плату. Фото...
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