It is possible to hack the pcb to fix it. Extract the board, locate Q12, and solder a wire that shorts its collector (middle terminal) to ground. This will make Flip 4 think there is always audio going into aux. You may also want to remove 33-ohm resistors, that may reduce distortion for signal sources that have high-ish output impedance. This hack causes a few side effects though: Bluetooth pairing sounds will not be played. Bluetooth audio does work, just no pairing sounds.
As a workaround, you can run a signal generator app in the background, set to very low frequency like 20 Hz, and low but not too low amplitude. Flip4 will reject this frequency and not distort/waste power, but it will be alive all the time.
i have just bought an ifixit kit, has some ph and j bits. I’ve looked at them under a microscope, compared angles, tried them on screws... i have found no difference whatsoever, they seem to be identical. What gives?
G-sensor is at least being used for in-ear detection. The bud turns on noise cancellation if both IR proximity sensors are triggered, and the stem is facing roughly downward. Once it’s turned on, the g-sensor is not being used for the purpose, so as to not make the buds turn off when you’re hanging upside down.