I don’t think Walmart or Walgreens will do that (I could be wrong) but I have a feeling you could talk one of the guys at Best Buy into helping you do it if you bought a USB stick. Of course, with the computers just out on display you could probably do it yourself…
I don’t think Walmart or Walgreens will do that (I could be wrong) but I have a feeling you could talk one of the guys at Best Buy into helping you do it if you bought a USB stick. Of course, with the computers just out on display you could probably do it yourself…
I'm going to ask something I'm sure you've already done: did you try pressing the F2 button to ensure the screen was not just fully dimmed? (I know it's a stupid question but you'd be surprised how many times this is a problem.) Have you tried connecting an external monitor? (I'm looking for problem isolation. It could be only the internal screen.)
Carol, I suspect you did not get an OEM quality screen. I've seen low quality screens that are dim, off-color or have odd lines running through them when first replaced. I recommend purchasing a replacement from iFixit: their screens are some of the best I've purchased. iFixit sells a screen with everything attached (including a new speaker, etc.). Since you've already replaced the screen yourself you probably don't need the toolkit that comes with the full assembly so you can choose the lower-cost option. iFixit also offers a replacement part that let's you swap the speaker and a few other tiny parts over (for a few $ less). Choose the replacement part that matches your comfort level and be sure to follow the instructions here. Good luck! Craig
I always use Carbon Copy Cloner for swapping/cloning drives because it is so much faster than Time Machine. Absolutely everything is mirrored to the external drive and you can test the external drive before pulling your machine apart. You can get a 30-day trial of CCC at https://bombich.com. (I have no affiliation with Bombich Software and receive no benefit from your use of CCC.)
It definitely sounds like your battery is bad. It might be a faulty inverter though that's not likely since inverters are normally either good or bad without a lot of flip-flopping. Since you already know you need a new battery I recommend ordering that as soon as possible. Old, worn out batteries can be dangerous. And replacing a battery takes only about 5 minutes... If you plan to continue using the machine until your new battery arrives I recommend you pop the bottom case off, slip the battery out, and make sure the battery is not swollen or bulging at all. If the battery is swollen you probably should not use it. Try this guide to pop your battery out: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011 Battery Replacement