Chimin in as the owner of an iMac. 2017 models are still susceptible from what I have gathered. My “advice” would be to try to get the screen swapped as soon as possible within the warranty or apple care period. My understanding is that Apple is aware of that problem, and they won’t try to deny it. Many people were able to get the screen replaced — a guy an YouTube cleaned it manually, which could be another option if your mac is no longer under warranty and feel brave enough. This is such a shame, iMacs (especially retina ones) are gorgeous, and the whole concept of having an entire computer embedded in a gorgeous screen is imho unmatched. I am wondering if iMac pro will also be susceptible to that issue, as in a few years, they will be cheaper.
If your UE Boom speaker is not making any sound, see the UE Boom Is Not Producing Sound problem page for possible causes and solutions. On my end, I had to simply plug it into a USB source. Resetting the device did not work. After plugging it into a power source, the sound came back.
This is an amazing guide. I was able to replace the screen in an hour. Noticed that in 13” models, I believe that this is a bit easier. Apple made it not super easy to replace the screen on this one, since we literally have to take everything apart to replace the display.
The tricky part was the little loops in which the bluetooth cables go through - I used a pair of tweezers to be careful not to remove them off and put the new cables back. Too bad Apple use a mix of so many different screws - I put each set of screws on a paper page and wrote where the screws go.
Everything else was fairly easy. Super important to have the right tools though.
Thanks Sam for your work, I saved $400 thanks to this guide.