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I have heard about Microsoft new project spartan. How can i use it.
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It seems like printhead nozzles have been chocked. If you are not using the printer for more than 15 days it starts drying colors on the print head. After a few days printhead would get blocked by dry color pallets. You should try to clean the print head with Epson printer cleaning. Install the Epson software on your PC and clean the print head. Most of the time deep cleaning restarts the printing of a printer.
Read moreThe Power unit of the TV first store the power then supply next to the parts. In case of power outage it protects devices from sudden power failure. Might possible the light you can see there it from capacitors and will turn off after a few minutes. Although you should confirm with brand customer service because there is no image which define the exact issue.
Read moreAs the problem you have described here only specific mobile provider sim is not working. You have already checked with another provider as well as both the sim slot, and it is working fine. Seems like the problem is with mobile company in your area. We can’t say the problem is in the phone until sim provider haven’t confirmed. Please visit their nearest service branch to confirm the issue.
Read moreHow do you sure there is a motor issue in the ice maker. The switch or any other part could be damage. Please bring the complete unit to the brand service station. After opening the unit anyone can check the exact issue.
Read moreIf it is in a garage i don’t think will turn on. Maybe someone thrown it because it’s faulty. Still you can check some below points: (1) Open cover of your Toshiba DVD player. (2) Clean dust and check carefully any spark mark or cuts. If there is a spark mark like a short circuit(black mark), it won’t turn on. You have to replace that burned parts. (3) Check cable wire with ammeter may be its damage. (4) Check power supply unit of the DVD player.
Read moreAn ear pods specially design for wireless use and works on blue tooth technology. So, if you don’t have blue tooth feature in your device then won’t connect or use your ear pods.
Read moreI want to add one more way here by which your laptop battery won’t charge. You should apply it and check whether it’s charging now or not. Minimize the resources use:: Running apps and software keep draining the battery of the laptop. Your laptop battery won’t charge In case of apps are consuming power more than charging. Might be possible your charger is charging the laptop and the battery is also working, but consumption is high. In that case, apply the below steps to fix the issue: (1) Open the windows process taskbar by tapping Ctrl + Shift + Esc. (2) Find the list of programs from the window open. (3) Right-click on the programs and click end process which one consuming high CPU and memory. (4) Also, uninstall the not useful software from the PC. You can change some more settings like power management and stop windows features. To know about their steps open fix Windows 10 laptop not charging issue. The article written here is my own and contains detailed information.
Read moreAs much i know BIOS check all the parts before starting, and it fails pre-boot. It is trying to start but fails due to issue in the board. It happens when there is any damage or short circuit in the board. Spark in the charger send a high voltage into the battery and battery transferred to the board. Due to high voltage you're charging IC or mosfet has burnt out. You are right there is a problem with your motherboard.
Read moreTurn of the pc and remove heat sink and fan. Carefully clean heat sink as well as fan with iso-propyl. See this guid for cleaning : Let it dry completely and use metallic paste on it. A good heat sink paste contains tiny metal particles to absorb and transfer the heat.
Read moreThere might be many possibilities that your steel series Arctis Pro Wireless headphone won’t turn on. (1) Your headphone has some internal issue if there is no light on the headphone. (2) You're charging station has some fault, and it won’t charge the battery. (3) Last option battery is no more in working condition. Every battery has a life span. Maybe your battery is old. To verify all the possibilities, buy a new battery and check with that.
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