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Hi, Does anyone know where I can buy MacBook Pro 2016 and later display assembly replacements? I can only find 2015 and...
Read moreHello, Anyone know of any place where they sell touchscreen glass for Google Nexus 7 Tablet? Thanks RN
Read moreHello, Does anyone know of a good supplier in US for iPad 3 digitizer screens? I found one on eBay that is selling it for...
Read moreI repair a lot of iPads and I keep coming across this issue. When I glue the digitizer, sometimes the area around the...
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Most likely you have a defective battery. New defective parts are extremely common so just because it was new, it doesn't mean that it was not defective or didn't have an issue.
Read moreLiquid damages are extremely unpredictable. Water could have gone in your screen or might have damaged your logicboard. Your backlight on the logicboard might have issues. There are shops that do liquid damage repair but most of them do not provide any warranty because there are not guarantees on liquid damage. Just take it to an (deleted SPAM) iPhone repair shop] that works on liquid damage and have them look at it.
Read moreWe have not seen this before on the LCD. I assume the person who replaced the digitizer before probably damaged the LCD in process and replaced it and maybe it was a manufacturing defect? I don't think it will spread.
Read moreHome button will not work with iPad Air button. The digitizer will work. iPad A1822 home button is one of the worst design we have since Apple has been manufacturing iPads. The ribbon is glued against the glass and it is very easy to damage and tear during removal or if the glass has been broken around the home button and cut or damaged the ribbon. As of right now, we have not seen anyone that sells the home button for iPad A1822.
Read moreIt seems to be a logicboard issue. Time for a new phone.
Read moreYou need to replace the display panel (LCD/Glass). There are a lot of shops that do phone repair. Just do a Google search for iPhone repair in your city.
Read moreNo it won't work. We tried this in the past and never worked.
Read moreYou have posted your iPad to be the 3rd Generation but if you have an iPad with a home button ribbon cable then you have an 4th Gen iPad. If your home button doesn't work, it could be that you have damaged the ribbon cable or the cable is pulled out of the port on logicboard and needs to be pushed back in, or the clicker part of the home button (the part that sites right behind the round plastic home button) is bent out of shape so when you push the button, the back of the plastic part doesn't reach the clicker because it is bent and too far from the button. If you touch the black area of the digitizer and the LCD screen comes on, it usually means that the home button is not aligned right under the digitizer so when you touch the black part of the digitizer around the home button, the glass pushes on the home button/clicker underneath the glass and activates your iPad and LCD comes on. If this is happening, then you home button still works and you need to disregard what I said on the first paragraph and...
Read moreIs it the wrong size? You can buy iPhone parts and repair tools from many different places. You might even be able to find it locally. Just Google iPad or iPhone repair places in your area and ask them if they sell them. They are very cheap and easy to find. Amazon and eBay sells them too.
Read moreiPad 2nd Generation had a big flaw in design for the Wifi antenna. For one thing, the antenna on many iPad 2s went bad even without the iPad being repaired or replaced. We get many customers who call us and ask us to repair them for this issue. I am not sure what causes this problem but after replacing the antenna with a new one, all is fixed. Another BIG issue is that Apple used to glue the iPad 2 antennas to the bottom of the glass/digitizer from the inside. So if you broke the glass right on top of the antenna, it would damage it and tear into it. They fixed this issue on later models by not gluing the antenna to the glass. So when you took the broken glass off, it would not pull on the antenna and cause it to tear. Also, if you don't have a lot of experience in fixing iPad 2nd Generations, it is very easy to rip the antenna during repair. The antenna is is screwed to the body of the iPad by 4 screws and it is extremely flimsy. The antenna can easily rip away from the screws and become loose. We have...
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