In the linked video which describes separating the digitizer and glass from the plastic chassis I believe there is a missing step in the reassembly which is critical.
There is a metal grommet on the glass which holds the home button in place when it is reattached to the plastic chassis. This piece of metal MUST be transfered if it's not on the new glass/digitizer assembly. If this step is omitted, the home button will not seat properly and will probably just fall out. The worst part is you can't really go back and fix it once you've mated the glass/digitizer to the plastic chassis. As soon as I hit it with heat again, the glass separated from the digitizer and rendered my new screen useless.
If I missed something, I apologize, but its a very important step nonetheless!!
Very complete guide. If you need to replace your screen - MAKE SURE you order the part with the plastic chassis and home key attached to the glass. You will be much happier, trust me.