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Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Drone Fails to Power On

The Drone shows no signs of powering on after pressing the ON button.

Faulty Battery

The battery may not be fully charged. In this case, try plugging in the battery to a charging outlet using the charge cable and power line. You can verify full charge by plugging it in to charge with the provided charging cable. If the light is green, the battery is charged. If the light is red, the battery needs to be charged. Otherwise, the battery may be defective, and you will need to replace the battery. See the battery guide for details.

Faulty Charger

The Mach 1 has a distinct, multiple cord charging system. If the drone does not charge, you will have to obtain new chargers that fit the drone’s port. If that does not work, the battery is faulty.

Controller Fails to Respond

Controller either does not turn on, or does not control the drone in the desired manner.

Faulty Controller Battery

The controller may not be charged, or may not be able to hold a charge. Verify this by charging it with the given charging cable. If a full blue light appears, the controller is charged. If a partial blue light appears, the controller is not charged.

Faulty Joystick

The joystick may be stuck in one position. Simply tug lightly on the joystick to free it from its stuck position.

Faulty Connection

The controller may not be connected to the phone or the drone. Verify that the controller, phone, and drone are all connected via WiFi or Bluetooth, and that the signal is strong enough.

Drone Fails to Fly.

Upon power-up of the drone and the controller, the drone fails to achieve propeller rotation.

Faulty Battery

Check to see if the battery of the drone is fully charged.

Faulty Controller

Check to see if the controller is fully charged.

Poor Connection

The user’s phone fails to connect with either the drone or the provided controller. Make sure WiFi and Bluetooth signal is strong and attempt to reconnect.

Drone Flies Improperly.

The drone flies in a crooked line, or does not respond properly to commands.

Broken, Improperly Attached, or Faulty Propeller

To replace or reattach a propeller, please follow the Propeller Attachment Guide here.

Calibration Failure

The drone’s compass should be recalibrated before every few flights. To recalibrate the drone, simply follow the instructions detailed in your user manual.

Weak connection between phone and the controller

Please see the above section entitled “Poor connection”.

The Drone Lands Crookedly, or in an Unstable Manner.

When landing, the drone is unbalanced, causing a faulty landing.

Rubber bottoms off-centered

Check to see if the rubber bottoms are twisted fully into the hole they are designed to be in. If not, twist them back into place, such that the drone is able to stay level while on a flat surface.


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