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Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Camera Will Not Power On:

The camera will not show any signs of powering up.

Bad Power Adapter:

Confirm that the camera is plugged into the power adapter. A light will indicate a charge. If there is no such indication, then the adapter is bad. The solution is to purchase a new adapter.

Bad Battery:

Connect the camera to the adapter. Make sure the indicating light is on. If the camera only powers up when plugged in, this is a sign of a bad battery. Use this ''++guide for battery replacement++''.

Camera Lens Will Not Extend/Retract:

The camera shows it has power, but the lens will not extend past the body.

Camera Interrupted When Lense Was Extending:

If the lens was stopped when extending, either by your hand or a protective case, just simply power the camera off and turn it back on.

Outside Debris Jamming The Lense:

The lens may not move if jammed by sand or dirt. Use compressed air to blow away any debris that can be seen on the outside of the lens. If the debris is inside the lens, follow the ''++camera disassembly guide++'' to clean it.

Lens Is Bad:

Any physical impact or mechanical failure may cause the lense to break. Replacement instructions can be found in the ''++lens replacement guide++''.

Shutter Button Is Jammed:

The shutter button will not move smoothly or at all when pressed.

Dust/dirt Has Collected Under The Button:

If the button is stuck, try using compressed air to dislodge the debris.

If the debris is lodged under or preventing the button to work, use the tweezers to free the shutter button. Carefully apply the end of the tweezers in the space between the button and the panel and pop it back into place.

The Button Has Stopped Working:

If the button is unable to pop back into place, replace the spring contact that is associated with that button with the ''++button replacement guide++''.

LCD Screen Not Responding:

The camera is powering on, but the LCD screen will not respond or appears to be broken.

The Lens Is Very Dirty:

Clean the lens with a lens cleaning solution and microfiber cloth.

Water Or Dust Has Gotten Under The Screen:

If water has gotten under the screen you must replace it. If it is just dust under the screen you may remove it and clean it (with an appropriate cleaning solution and microfiber cloth) then reinstall it. If it still does not work after cleaning you must replace it.

The Screen Has Received Physical Damage And Is Cracked:

In this case you must remove the screen and replace it with a new one (you may follow our ''++troubleshooting guide++'' on how to do so)

Camera Wont Save Pictures:

Camera is powered on, but pictures are not saving.

Type of Memory Card:

Check to make sure memory card is properly pressed into the memory slot. The camera should be able to recognize that a memory card was inserted.

Damaged Memory Card:

If the memory card is properly inside the card and pictures still do not save or memory card is not recognized, replace memory card.

Kenneth Robertson

Member since: 04/22/19

309 Reputation

1 Guide authored


One Comment

My menu button is jammed in on my Canon SX740HS and it won't release. Has anybody got any ideas to help me fix this please? Thank you.

Helen Arnold - Reply

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